Bethlehem Bible College – purveyor of anti-Israel propaganda

Bethlehem Bible College – purveyor of anti-Israel propaganda
by Tricia Miller

According to its website, Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) is a Christian college founded for the purpose of training leaders to serve local Arab churches and communities.

BBC affirms the National Association of Evangelicals’ Statement of Faith and believes the Bible to be the authoritative word of God.

But there is another side to BBC not evident on their website. The school has a deeply entrenched anti-Israel position, demonstrated through statements and publications of leaders associated with the school, and the biennial “Christ at the Checkpoint” conferences it sponsors. Most recently, its media center produced a video that employs numerous errors and false accusations in a blatant attempt to demonize Israel.

The video, Bethlehem Voices on Gaza , was made during Operation Protective Edge and was posted on YouTube on August 8, 2014. The production purports to “interview people on the streets of Bethlehem regarding the war in Gaza.”

Read the rest of this article that appears in the November 2014 Jerusalem Post Christian Edition, here:

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