Justice…for Israel?

Justice…for Israel?
by Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters

I am just returning from the Justice Conference, a two-day affair in Chicago. From the website:

“Our vision is to serve the discovery of ideas, celebrate the beauty of justice, and foster a community of people who live justice together. Now, more than ever, people of faith need to come together to wrestle with the injustice in our world. This is the time. This is the place.”

I have many thoughts about the conference, and will be writing and speaking about it more in the coming weeks, but for now I want to focus on two things: Israel and Bible prophecy. . .

Read more of Jim Fletcher’s June 8, 2015 entry, HERE.

***Also see these important articles:

Justice Conference Mainstreams Cornel West to Evangelical Millennial Audience
June 6, 2015
Jim Fletcher, Prophecy Matters

PM Analysis: Israel, Christian Zionists Marginalized at Justice Conference
June 5, 2015
Jim Fletcher, director, Prophecy Matters

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