Why Would “Christ at the Checkpoint” Compare Israel to ISIS?

“Sadly, while I was in Israel I was also made aware of a video that was released to promote an upcoming conference in July 2015, by and for young adults. The conference promotional piece was advertised as coming from “Christ at the Checkpoint-Young Adults” or CaTC-YA.

While I must admit that I was unable to understand the closing commentaries in Arabic, the video collage that came first was enough to upset any supporter of the truth about the Middle East. The video is rather short and it even repeats some of its footage on a loop.

Yet, what it tries to do will turn your stomach upside-down. It sends the very clear message that Israel is equal to ISIS in violence and human rights violation. You see footage of ISIS thugs getting ready to decapitate rows of “infidels” dressed in the now world “infamous” orange overalls, juxtaposed with Israelis filtering Palestinians though checkpoints. Then, another frame shows the Islamic State brandishing their black flag followed by an Israeli tank brandishing a Jewish flag, making again a “not-so” subliminal connection.”

More here:

Why Would “Christ at the Checkpoint” Compare Israel to ISIS?

Justice…for Israel?

Justice…for Israel?
by Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters

I am just returning from the Justice Conference, a two-day affair in Chicago. From the website:

“Our vision is to serve the discovery of ideas, celebrate the beauty of justice, and foster a community of people who live justice together. Now, more than ever, people of faith need to come together to wrestle with the injustice in our world. This is the time. This is the place.”

I have many thoughts about the conference, and will be writing and speaking about it more in the coming weeks, but for now I want to focus on two things: Israel and Bible prophecy. . .

Read more of Jim Fletcher’s June 8, 2015 entry, HERE.

***Also see these important articles:

Justice Conference Mainstreams Cornel West to Evangelical Millennial Audience
June 6, 2015
Jim Fletcher, Prophecy Matters

PM Analysis: Israel, Christian Zionists Marginalized at Justice Conference
June 5, 2015
Jim Fletcher, director, Prophecy Matters

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism
The many problems with the documentary ‘With God on Our Side.’
Gerald McDermott

The documentary With God on Our Side is anything but balanced. It does not give “both sides their due” but instead interviews only Israelis on the far left and ignores Christian Zionists who defend the rights of Palestinians. The result is a one-sided attack on Israel that treats social and political realities with the same ideological insouciance which the documentary assigns to John Hagee and his band.
One interviewee in the film claims—without rebuttal—that Jews did not live in the land for two thousand years. The truth is that Jewish communities have lived in the land through all this time, flourishing in Jerusalem, Galilee and coastal cities in the 9th and 11th centuries, and then rebounding after being massacred by Crusaders in the 12th century. By the early 19th century, long before the rise of Zionism, more than ten thousand Jews lived in what is now Israel. . .

Read more here:


Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

“It was the spirit of anti-christ that brought [the Jews] back to the Promised Land.” (Pastor Steven Anderson at 41:02 in Marching To Zion)

Steven Anderson, quoting 2 Chronicles 19:2, says, “The Bible teaches that if we help an ungodly and wicked nation like Israel, we’ll have God’s wrath on us.” (1:04:38)

Watch movie and read review here:


Anti-Zionist Church Extremism

Later this month, Canadian Friends of Sabeel will hold a conference on “overcoming Christian Zionism.” Sabeel describes itself as an “ecumenical Palestinian liberation theology centre” that is “working for justice, peace and reconciliation in Palestine-Israel.” In reality, it is a group that promotes a misrepresentation of events in the Middle East. The conference slated for Vancouver is explicitly aimed at undermining Israel among its North American Christian supporters.

Conservative Christians have been among Israel’s most reliable bloc of friends in troubled times. Like any bedfellows, the Zionist-Christian alliance brings with it complexities. While some Christians use Zionism as a back door to evangelizing or view Christianity as a “successor” religion to Judaism, for example, there are also many in the Christian Zionist movement who respect the integrity of Judaism.

The upcoming conference is co-sponsored by three Christian churches.

The United Church of Canada, for decades but especially in recent years, has adopted a heavily anti-Israel approach to global affairs. Their sponsorship of this event is not surprising. The Presbyterian Church in Canada is also supporting this event, though this, too, is not shocking, given that the American branch of the Presbyterian Church has been beset by anti-Israel agitation and last year voted to divest itself of some Israeli holdings.

What is surprising – and worrisome – is the role of the Anglican Church of Canada as co-sponsor of this conference. Two years ago, the church passed a resolution that made some attempts at balance but was marred by typical anti-Israel boilerplate. With their co-sponsorship of this Sabeel event, the Anglican church has thrown itself unequivocally off the fence.


Campus, church extremism
April 3, 2015


Know the truth about the next anti-Israel propaganda conference

***Is Mennonite Church USA soon to join these denominations in their anti-Israel extremism?
Mennonites Walk Barton’s Bridge (discerning Anti-Israel BDS Resolutions)

Anti-Israel Masquerade

The anti-Israel Sabeel conference will be taking place this month at an Anglican church in Vancouver, B.C., Canada (April 23-25). The theme is “Seeking the Peace of Jerusalem: Overcoming Christian Zionism in the Quest for Justice.” Sabeel may masquerade behind the “peace and justice” costume, but this appears to be the opposite of who they are. Not only do they promote boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, research has uncovered Sabeel’s associations with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (responsible for the recent terror attack that killed four Rabbis in an Israeli synagogue). Even so, this group will be using Canada’s free speech rights to spread their message. Will they continue to mock Canada’s pro-Israel Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his MP’s who defend Israel, and misrepresent pro-Israel Christians as heretics, while spreading their Palestinian Liberation Theology (that claims Jesus was a Palestinian martyr)?

Who will challenge this masquerade?

For more information, see:
Know the truth about the next anti-Israel propaganda conference


Connecting the dots: Canadian Friends of Sabeel and the PFLP terror group

Christian Icons of Propaganda – Sabeel and Desmond Tutu
by Christine Williams
March 29, 2015

World Vision leader’s anti-Israel comments

Markell calls out World Vision leader for anti-Israel comments

The head of a messianic Jewish ministry is calling a liberal theological leader to task for his anti-Israel comments.

“For over 60 years,” said Steve Haas, vice president of World Vision U.S., “many Evangelicals have clung to a very narrow theological narrative that weds Christian theology with a political ideology known as Zionism.”

Lausanne Global Analysis recently published excerpts of a chapel speech delivered by Haas at a New England seminary last year.

Haas compared so-called “Christian Zionists” to Spanish inquisitors, Crusaders, supporters of apartheid South Africa, and other historical atrocities.

“He says Israel is apartheid on steroids,” comments Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries. “

More here:



A Response to World Vision’s attack on Christian Zionism
Feb. 15, 2015

Stephen Sizer and Friends Are No Friends of Israel

Has Stephen Sizer gone too far?


Sizer Claims Christian Zionists the Same as ISIS and Al Qeada
October 13

Rev Stephen Sizer, notorious anti-Zionist, appears yet again on Iranian propaganda channel Press TV, denting his academic credibility even further, as he claimed his fellow Christians who support Israel – Christian Zionists, are really no different from ISIS or Al Qaeda (3:38)! However Christian Zionists, even in their “extreme form”, (which is defined as supporting building homes for the wrong people (Jews) in the wrong place), are not chopping off people’s heads, slaughtering people who hold the wrong theology or practice, nor selling non-Muslim girls in to sex slavery. When Christianity was involved in its own Jihad during the Crusades, it was not Christian Zionists who took up arms, rather those who believed God had cast off the Jews and taken their land from them who went to war, urged on by clergymen like Sizer!

More here:



Sizer in Iran to Talk Christian Jihad Against Israel
October 2

Stephen Sizer

Crusading Anti-Zionist vicar Stephen Sizer is in Iran once again, this time to “expose” the Zionist lobby in England at an anti-Israel conference in Tehran. Presumably RPP will feature in his presentation to all those peace-loving anti-Zionist moderates gathered in Iran, as we made his official Zionist Lobby listing here.

Sizer is also quite happy to implicate his fellow Christians who support Israel, to the gathered hordes of Israel haters by shaping them all into one, easy to stereotype, big Zionist Lobby. Sizer doesn’t even think the Jews were the Chosen People! One can only imagine what wonders of nuance and moderation Sizer will display with is talk titled “Christian Jihad vs. Christian Zionism”? or his part in the discussion group pejoratively titled “Christian Responsibility against Systemic Iniquity”

. . . So not only is Sizer a patsy for the Iranian regime’s propaganda channel Press TV, he will also travel to their propaganda conference in Iran. Sizer is used to sharing conference podiums with extreme anti-Semites whilst claiming he is not. . .

More here:


Stephen Sizer


Stephen Sizer has been very busy spreading his message since 2004, when Paul Wilkinson, after attending the Sabeel conference at its beginning, saw him here:

“…the Lord prompted me so clearly to go out to Israel for the very first time and witness this movement called Sabeel, and see all these evangelical leaders assembling in Jerusalem, basically, to condemn Israel, to condemn the United States for supporting Israel, and to condemn all Christians for supporting Israel based on a literal interpretation of the Word of God, and that’s where I met men like Stephen Sizer, Gary Burge, Donald Wagner—leading evangelicals within the Anglican and Presbyterian churches who, as I mentioned in a previous program, lined up with Yasser Arafat and gave him their support and their endorsement, and that shows you the power of this movement I’ve termed, “Christian Palestinianism,” that Yasser Arafat would want to meet with this group involved with the Sabeel conference.”

Source: Paul Wilkinson, T. A. McMahon & Paul Wilkinson (Part 4) https://www.thebereancall.org/content/t-mcmahon-paul-wilkinson-part-4

In 2010, Stephen Sizer was prominently featured in the anti-Israel film “With God on Our Side.”[1] Besides Sizer, the cast of this movie also included Ron Dart and Gary Burge.

Next week Gary Burge and Ron Dart, Sizer’s associates and partners in his anti-Israel campaign, will be speaking at a mini conference[2] in Canada.

Next spring, Gary Burge and another associate of Sizer’s, Donald Wagner, will be speaking at the upcoming Friends of Sabeel Conference[3] in Canada.

Pro-Israel Canadians who are very proud of their Prime Minister’s staunch support of Israel can either hang their heads in shame that such conferences could take place on Canadian soil, or they can plan to attend and support Israel.


[1] See: Turning Churches Against Israel @ http://www.frontpagemag.com
Also see: 2010 Film “With God on Our Side” – Championed by Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren & Steve Haas (World Vision) – Has Changed the Minds of Evangelicals
By Jan Markell of 
Olive Tree Ministries
[2] https://olivepress.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/anti-zionist-lectures-in-canada/



Church of England Vicar Denies Backing “Anti-Semitic Hate-fest” in Iran

The Anti-Israel Movement and the Mennonites: Part 1-3

Please find the following three articles informative in the light of current anti-Israel bias.

Part 1:

“The recent Mennonite involvement with anti-Israel movements has not gone unnoticed. Some of these include the BDS campaigns, the Israel Apartheid movement and Christ at the Checkpoint. The Mennonites are not the only Christians to come alongs side the various anti-Israel events and organizations. For those who don’t know what this is all about, here is a bit of background information.”

More here:
The Anti-Israel Movement and the Mennonites: Part 1 – What’s it all about?

Part 2:

“Just because well meaning people do things in the name of Christ does not mean that they are right, as we have witnessed throughout history. Are the Mennonites who join this anti-Israel crusade just sincerely mis-led? Whether willingly or unknowingly, they seem to have joined the hands of those who are apostate. Perhaps it’s time to get informed”

More here:
The Anti-Israel Movement and the Mennonites: Part 2 – In the Name of Christ

Part 3:

“If Christ at the Checkpoint is part of the anti-Israel campaign, as all the facts seem to show, wouldn’t all those who attend or speak be considered tools for this propaganda event? Even so, Christian organizations continue to participate in this anti-Israel campaign. Among them are some well meaning Mennonites, some of whom will be participants for the second time.”

More here:
The Anti-Israel Movement and the Mennonites: Part 3 – Pawns at the Checkpoint

Christ at the Checkpoint: the Failing Experiment

A recommendation from Rosh Pina Project . . .

Christ at the Checkpoint: the Failing Experiment

I’d like to heartily recommend this very perceptive and well-researched document – Christ at the Checkpoint: the Failing Experiment, by Hannah Weiss.

Click the link to download the Word document


Israel surprised by US course of action on Iran

Israel surprised by US course of action on Iran, officials say

After US secretary of state warned PM of possible sanction relief on Iran, Israeli officials tell ‘Israel Radio’ they are surprised by behaviour of the US in Geneva; talks to continue Saturday with more world leaders joining.

Israel is surprised with the diplomatic course being taken by the US during nuclear negotiations in Geneva, including minor sanction relief, officials told Israel Radio on Saturday.

During a meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of Friday’s Geneva talks, the US reportedly told Israel that they would be offering minor sanctions relief to Iran…

More here:


‘Crisis of faith’ between Israel and US

‘Crisis of faith’ between Israel and US over possible Iran deal

Netanyahu ‘in a state of shock’ over terms, believes agreement would enable Iran to become ‘nuclear breakout state,’ TV reports say; deal seen as putting an end to any Israeli military option

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “in a state of shocked disbelief” at the deal apparently taking shape in Geneva over Iran’s nuclear program, Israeli television news reports said Friday night.

Netanyahu, the reports on Israel’s Channel 10 and Channel 2 news said, had “an unprecedented confrontation” with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Tel Aviv on Friday morning over the possible deal, which he publicly described as “a very, very bad deal” and which he implored Kerry “not to rush to sign” and to “reconsider.”

The Netanyahu government is “in a crisis of faith” with the Obama administration over the possible deal…

More here:



Agitated Netanyahu wonders if he left it too late

The Pro-Palestinian Campaign to Woo US Evangelicals

“A massive effort is going on in the heart of the American Evangelical Church to lure its members to the Palestinian side. There are approximately 100 million self-identifying Evangelicals in the U.S, of which a much smaller number is actively connected with their faith. There are probably about 15 million engaged Evangelical Millennials.

“It is severely mistaken to think that all Evangelicals are pro-Israel. Millennials are constantly being targeted with the Palestinian narrative through media, conferences, mentoring relationships, book publishing and social networks. Frequently shown films are: ‘Little Town of Bethlehem’ and ‘With God on Our Side.’”

More here:

The Pro-Palestinian Campaign to Woo US Evangelicals


‘New evangelicals’ abandoning Israel

LIfeChurch.tv and The End

Steve Chalke, Lucy Winkett, and Graham Kendrick gang upon Israel.

Sept 10, 2013
By James Jacob Prash

Steve Chalke, Lucy Winkett, and Graham Kendrick gang upon Israel.

We have long ridiculed the hypocritical idiocy of the left wing press, fundamentalist Islamic interests, the politicians they own in Washington and London, and anti Semites at the targeting of Israel. As no one can contest, Israel simply has by far the best record of human rights (even for homosexuals and lesbians), women’s rights, civil rights of free political expression and an independent judiciary, and above all the best Christian rights in the Middle East. Every hypocritical apologist for Islamic terror, every left wing propagandist at the BBC and CNN masquerading as a journalist, and every left wing pseudo-academic parasite masquerading as a scholar, habitually ignores the grossest violations of human rights, civil rights, women’s rights, and the unspeakable persecution of Christians throughout the Moslem world and in the Islamic nations surrounding Israel, choosing instead to divert attention away from this reality by designating Israel as a villain…

Read more here:


Calvary Chapel Rebukes Palestinian Event

Calvary Chapel Rebukes Palestinian Event
by Jim Fletcher

In a dramatic showdown last week within the Calvary Chapel (CC) movement, the leadership of the California-based association of churches rebuked an event held at North Coast Calvary Chapel that featured a presentation by Palestinian activists.

Called “Hope for the Holy Land,” the seminar program aims to present the Palestinian narrative to church audiences. Observers are saying that what made the North Coast event such a flashpoint was the fact that since its inception, Calvary Chapel has been staunchly pro Israel.

More at Understanding the Times HERE.

Also see:

Calvary Chapel Breached

Israel portrayed as occupier of Palestinian land to churches this month

Calvary Chapel Breached
by Jim Fletcher, May 6, 2013

Near the summit at Masada, one can see the place where the Romans breached the defenses of the 1,000 Jewish men, women, and children who’d fled after the destruction of Jerusalem some two years earlier. It is on the western side and serves as a stark reminder that since forever, enemies of the Jews have sought to do them harm.

Masada ended badly for those Jews, and while they are not always threatened first physically, they are always threatened.

This week, Sami Awad, a Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem (and director of the Holy Land Trust), announced on Facebook that he will be speaking at several churches on the West Coast this month. The May 10th date caught my eye and leaves me dismayed.

May 10 San Diego, CA. North Coast Calvary Church. 7-9 p.m.

In a two-week stretch, from Seattle to San Diego, Awad will speak at more than two-dozen churches. Most of them will be churches friendly to his pro Palestinian message…

More here:



Turning Churches Against Israel

Also see:

‘New evangelicals’ abandoning Israel

An Open Letter to Messianic Jewish Leaders and Congregants

Church leaders urge members of Congress to reconsider US aid to Israel

Church leaders urge members of Congress to reconsider US aid to Israel

ADL withdraws from interfaith dialogue, other Jewish groups issue bitter protests, in response to ‘outrageous’ letter asserting widespread Israeli human rights violations

Leaders of several major US Christian denominations — including Protestants, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans and Methodists — have asked members of Congress to reconsider US aid to Israel in light of “widespread Israeli human rights violations.”

More here:


Targeting Evangelicals for ‘Palestine’

Targeting Evangelicals for ‘Palestine’

Certain that U.S. support for Israel depends on pro-Israel American evangelicals, the Religious and Evangelical Left are targeting evangelicals with their latest arguments for discrediting Israel.

This week, “Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding” (EMEU) convened at a San Francisco Presbyterian church to hash out their latest anti-Israel strategies. Ostensibly the problem as they identify it is that too many U.S. evangelicals are wedded to Old Testament promises of a perpetual Promised Land for the Jews. Anti-Israel activists like to showcase besieged Middle East Christians as arguments against a Jewish Israel, as though Judaism rather than radical Islam were their chief threat. They also like to portray Christian Zionists as motivated by apocalyptic end-times scenarios.

Read more HERE at Front Page Magazine.

We are not for sale

We are not for sale

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is playing with fire. And Israel is getting burned.
Over the past week, it has been widely reported that the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government are conducting secret negotiations regarding future Israeli land surrenders to the Palestinians in the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem. According to the reports, the Obama administration has presented Netanyahu with a plan whereby Israel will cede its rights to eastern Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and then lease the areas from the Palestinians for a limited period.

More here:


Turning Churches Against Israel

Turning Churches Against Israel

“With God on Our Side,” the new anti-Israel movie produced by an evangelical pastor and aimed at evangelical audiences, is touring America this month, with anti-Israel British Anglican priest Stephen Sizer in tow. On October 27, it was originally going to be screened in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, doubtless hoping to appeal to young evangelical Congressional staffers, whose numbers and influence likely will increase in the new Congress. Now, for whatever reason, it instead will screen at a Lutheran church on Capitol Hill….

More here:



Anglican Church used by Anti-Zionists to show Anti-Christian Zionist film

About That Anti-Israel Thing Going on Right Now

Film Warning: “With God on Our Side” – Championed by Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren & Steve Haas (World Vision)

How Leftists Argue

How Leftists Argue


The Balfour Agreement, the major decline of the British Empire, British Petroleum (BP), Valdez, Horizon and their Israel connections

The Balfour Agreement, the major decline of the British Empire, British Petroleum (BP), Valdez, Horizon and their Israel connections
by Bill Koenig

The Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the Balfour Agreement and the British Empire

The Anglo-Persian oil company, that became British Petroleum in 1954, pressured the British government and the League of Nations to back off their commitment to the Balfour agreement; thus, Israel received approximately twelve percent of the land intended for them.

At the time of the Balfour Agreement (1917), at the peak of its power, it was often said that “the sun never sets on the British Empire” because its span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at least one of its numerous territories.

The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom, that had originated with the overseas colonies and trading posts established by England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power. By 1922, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, one-quarter of the world’s population at the time, and covered more than 13,000,000 square miles (33,670,000 km2): approximately a quarter of the Earth’s total land area. As a result, its political, linguistic and cultural legacy is widespread. (Reference Wikipedia)

On September 11, 1922, the British government presented a memorandum to the League of Nations stating that Transjordan would be excluded from all provisions of dealing with the Jewish settlement. From that point forward, Britain recognized the land west of the Jordan as Palestine…

Read more here:


In Defense of their Dinner Date

The following is the Mennonite Central Committee’s defense of their shocking dinner date…

MCC dialogue toward peace with Iran

Arli Klassen and Daryl Byler
September 30, 2008

Strong opinions have been expressed over Mennonite Central Committee’s participation in the September 25 dinner and dialogue that included Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Some news media spread incorrect information about the event’s purpose. Our goal was respectful, peace-building dialogue, not to honor the president or any other individual. In sharing a meal with such a controversial figure, we were drawing on both the deep spiritual roots that sustained our persecuted ancestors and on Jesus’ example.

Last week in New York City, a simple oil lamp glowed on the podium before the gathering of people of diverse faiths. MCC gave such a lamp to President Ahmadinejad last year. Similar lamps yield gentle yet insistent light in many Mennonite and Brethren in Christ worship services. In every situation, we look to the light of Christ to lead us.


Read the rest of this article here:


Shocking Dinner Date

Once again, the Mennonite Central Committee dines with the devil.

Mennonite Central Committee Defends Dinner With Ahmadinejad
October 1, 2008

The Mennonite Central Committee, one of the co-sponsors of an interfaith dinner with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that took place in New York City on Sept. 25, 2008, has issued a deceptive and naive statement in defense of its dealings with the Iranian President.

The statement, written by Arli Klassen, the MCC’s executive director, and Daryl Byler, the organization’s representative for Jordan, Iran, Iraq and Palestine, exaggerates the impact of MCC-organized events on Ahmadinejad’s public speech about Israel. The statement also ignores Ahmadinejad’s hostility toward Jews and portrays the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state in the Middle East as a legitimate component of peacemaking efforts in the region.


Read the rest of this article here:


Related reading:

Mennonites and the NCC Calling Evil Good