Justice…for Israel?

Justice…for Israel?
by Jim Fletcher
Prophecy Matters

I am just returning from the Justice Conference, a two-day affair in Chicago. From the website:

“Our vision is to serve the discovery of ideas, celebrate the beauty of justice, and foster a community of people who live justice together. Now, more than ever, people of faith need to come together to wrestle with the injustice in our world. This is the time. This is the place.”

I have many thoughts about the conference, and will be writing and speaking about it more in the coming weeks, but for now I want to focus on two things: Israel and Bible prophecy. . .

Read more of Jim Fletcher’s June 8, 2015 entry, HERE.

***Also see these important articles:

Justice Conference Mainstreams Cornel West to Evangelical Millennial Audience
June 6, 2015
Jim Fletcher, Prophecy Matters

PM Analysis: Israel, Christian Zionists Marginalized at Justice Conference
June 5, 2015
Jim Fletcher, director, Prophecy Matters

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism
The many problems with the documentary ‘With God on Our Side.’
Gerald McDermott

The documentary With God on Our Side is anything but balanced. It does not give “both sides their due” but instead interviews only Israelis on the far left and ignores Christian Zionists who defend the rights of Palestinians. The result is a one-sided attack on Israel that treats social and political realities with the same ideological insouciance which the documentary assigns to John Hagee and his band.
One interviewee in the film claims—without rebuttal—that Jews did not live in the land for two thousand years. The truth is that Jewish communities have lived in the land through all this time, flourishing in Jerusalem, Galilee and coastal cities in the 9th and 11th centuries, and then rebounding after being massacred by Crusaders in the 12th century. By the early 19th century, long before the rise of Zionism, more than ten thousand Jews lived in what is now Israel. . .

Read more here:


Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

“It was the spirit of anti-christ that brought [the Jews] back to the Promised Land.” (Pastor Steven Anderson at 41:02 in Marching To Zion)

Steven Anderson, quoting 2 Chronicles 19:2, says, “The Bible teaches that if we help an ungodly and wicked nation like Israel, we’ll have God’s wrath on us.” (1:04:38)

Watch movie and read review here:


Anti-Zionist Church Extremism

Later this month, Canadian Friends of Sabeel will hold a conference on “overcoming Christian Zionism.” Sabeel describes itself as an “ecumenical Palestinian liberation theology centre” that is “working for justice, peace and reconciliation in Palestine-Israel.” In reality, it is a group that promotes a misrepresentation of events in the Middle East. The conference slated for Vancouver is explicitly aimed at undermining Israel among its North American Christian supporters.

Conservative Christians have been among Israel’s most reliable bloc of friends in troubled times. Like any bedfellows, the Zionist-Christian alliance brings with it complexities. While some Christians use Zionism as a back door to evangelizing or view Christianity as a “successor” religion to Judaism, for example, there are also many in the Christian Zionist movement who respect the integrity of Judaism.

The upcoming conference is co-sponsored by three Christian churches.

The United Church of Canada, for decades but especially in recent years, has adopted a heavily anti-Israel approach to global affairs. Their sponsorship of this event is not surprising. The Presbyterian Church in Canada is also supporting this event, though this, too, is not shocking, given that the American branch of the Presbyterian Church has been beset by anti-Israel agitation and last year voted to divest itself of some Israeli holdings.

What is surprising – and worrisome – is the role of the Anglican Church of Canada as co-sponsor of this conference. Two years ago, the church passed a resolution that made some attempts at balance but was marred by typical anti-Israel boilerplate. With their co-sponsorship of this Sabeel event, the Anglican church has thrown itself unequivocally off the fence.


Campus, church extremism
April 3, 2015


Know the truth about the next anti-Israel propaganda conference

***Is Mennonite Church USA soon to join these denominations in their anti-Israel extremism?
Mennonites Walk Barton’s Bridge (discerning Anti-Israel BDS Resolutions)

Anti-Israel Masquerade

The anti-Israel Sabeel conference will be taking place this month at an Anglican church in Vancouver, B.C., Canada (April 23-25). The theme is “Seeking the Peace of Jerusalem: Overcoming Christian Zionism in the Quest for Justice.” Sabeel may masquerade behind the “peace and justice” costume, but this appears to be the opposite of who they are. Not only do they promote boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, research has uncovered Sabeel’s associations with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (responsible for the recent terror attack that killed four Rabbis in an Israeli synagogue). Even so, this group will be using Canada’s free speech rights to spread their message. Will they continue to mock Canada’s pro-Israel Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his MP’s who defend Israel, and misrepresent pro-Israel Christians as heretics, while spreading their Palestinian Liberation Theology (that claims Jesus was a Palestinian martyr)?

Who will challenge this masquerade?

For more information, see:
Know the truth about the next anti-Israel propaganda conference


Connecting the dots: Canadian Friends of Sabeel and the PFLP terror group

Christian Icons of Propaganda – Sabeel and Desmond Tutu
by Christine Williams
March 29, 2015

From Zionism to Palestinianism: The Great Christian Betrayal!

“Christian Palestinianism is Replacement Theology on steroids! With any vestige of the Jewish roots of Christianity eradicated, Israel and the Jewish people will become irrelevant and this is a risk we cannot afford to take! Evangelicals who moved from Christian Zionism to Christian Palestinianism are putting Israel and the Jewish people at risk. Are they no longer reading their Bibles to believe in such lies as Yeshua being the first Palestinian? How can they biblically validate Palestine?”

Read more:

From Zionism to Palestinianism: The Great Christian Betrayal!
Olivier Jack Melnick

Canadian Friends of Sabeel or Enemies of Israel? (UPDATED)

There are many reasons why the upcoming Friends of Sabeel conference in Canada requires a word of caution. Originally scheduled for this October, it has been postponed till next spring. This gives those who are considering registering more time to think about the following questions.

1) What is Sabeel?

“Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, headquartered in Jerusalem, has been a persistent source of anti-Zionist agitation in mainline Protestant churches in the United States since its founding in 1994. The organization subjects Israel, Jews, and Judaism to intense scrutiny while remaining nearly silent about Arab and Muslim extremism in the Middle East. In addition to publicizing the writings of its founder, Anglican priest Naim Ateek, Sabeel broadcasts its message via regional conferences in the United States and regular study missions to Israel. Far-Left American and Israeli Jews are given prominent display at Sabeel conferences, where Israel is held up to a strict biblical standard of conduct while its adversaries are held to no standard at all. By giving its followers the sense that they are engaging in a showdown with the forces of evil embodied by Israel and its U.S supporters, Sabeel reenacts the church-synagogue rivalry documented in early Christian writings.”

– jcpa.org [1]

Paul Wilkinson, who attended the Sabeel conference in 2004, said:

“…the Lord prompted me so clearly to go out to Israel for the very first time and witness this movement called Sabeel, and see all these evangelical leaders assembling in Jerusalem, basically, to condemn Israel, to condemn the United States for supporting Israel, and to condemn all Christians for supporting Israel based on a literal interpretation of the Word of God, and that’s where I met men like Stephen Sizer, Gary Burge, Donald Wagner—leading evangelicals within the Anglican and Presbyterian churches who, as I mentioned in a previous program, lined up with Yasser Arafat and gave him their support and their endorsement, and that shows you the power of this movement I’ve termed, “Christian Palestinianism,” that Yasser Arafat would want to meet with this group involved with the Sabeel conference.”

Friends of Sabeel are those who partner and work with Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center and what is described by many as an anti-Israel agenda. They have chapters in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia.

2) Who are the speakers?

Well known speakers at the upcoming Friends of Sabeel Conference in Canada include Dr. Naim Ateek, Gary Burge, Donald Wagner (all mentioned above). Another less well known speaker is Ron Dart, a professor at the university where the conference is to be held. Dart, who is a board member of the Thomas Merton Society of Canada, appears to be on the same page as emerging church leaders Brian McLaren and Phylis Tickle[3]. A colleague of screen writer Kevin Miller, Dart has also appeared on his film ‘Hellbound'[4], the controversial documentary that questioned the traditional view of a literal hell. Dart is a main voice opposing the Conservative Party of Steven Harper, the pro-Israel prime minister of Canada. Also listed for the Canadian Friends of Sabeel conference is a potential workshop led by musician Steve Bell, associate of Brian McLaren. Not only have these two partnered in a contemplative music project[5], in 2011 Brian McLaren and Steve Bell were special guests at the ‘Refreshing Winds’ conference at Canadian Mennonite University[6]. McLaren recently spoke at The Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) regional conference that took place this April in Portland, Oregon[7], where he reframed and mocked important scripture passages to fit his interpretations. There will be many other speakers at this conference, but attendees might want to research them before subjecting themselves to their teachings (info below). For example, another speaker listed is director for the United Church of Canada’s Naramata Centre[8]. Not only is this centre completely immersed in contemplative and New Age spirituality, the United Church of Canada has recently adopted an anti-Israel bias[9]. Two years ago they voted to boycott Israeli products[10].

3) What are the issues that will be discussed at this conference?

Some of the main issues that will be discussed from a non-literal view of Bible interpretation will be Christian Zionism[11], Replacement Theology[12] and the Israeli “occupation of Palestine”[13]. Those attending may not be hearing the biblical view of these topics.

4) What about the advertisement for this conference that says: “We are called to challenge the false teaching that undermines the biblical message”?

As you can see, the voices representing Christianity at these Friends of Sabeel conferences appear to be on the same page and claim to have the ‘true’ teaching. However, they are not on the ‘literal’ Bible page. Many of them seem to be opposed to the truth taught in scripture about Israel and may be presenting their own interpretations. These are views held by emerging church leaders, as well as by those who are part of the anti-Israel campaign. Also interesting is how the element of contemplative spirituality is going to be strongly represented at this conference. Fortunately, because it has been postponed, those who wish to be a brave representative of truth for Israel now have more time to research and study before attending this conference[14].

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence Isaiah 62:6


[1] Source: 
Updating the Ancient Infrastructure of Christian Contempt: Sabeel http://jcpa.org/article/updating-the-ancient-infrastructure-of-christian-contempt-sabeel/
[2] Source: Paul Wilkinson, T. A. McMahon & Paul Wilkinson (Part 4) https://www.thebereancall.org/content/t-mcmahon-paul-wilkinson-part-4
[3] See: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frankschaeffer/2014/04/brian-d-mclaren-phyllis-tickle-ron-dart-on-frank-schaeffers-why-i-am-an-atheist-who-believes-in-god/
[4] See: Film Review: HELLBOUND? http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=6943
Dart has said that “we need to transcend a literal way of understanding the Bible because literal interpretation leads to ridiculous consequences” and that “to rescue the church from literalism is to track back to the ancient wisdom of the church mothers and fathers.” See above link for sources.
[5] Lyrics adapted from Teresa of Avila’s prayer/poem Christ Has No Body. Music by Brian McLaren. Recording and lead vocal by Steve Bell. -‘Kindness’ – Teresa of Avila/Steve Bell http://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/66922973770/kindness-teresa-of-avila-steve-bell
[6] See: https://mennolite.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/cmu-student-found-refreshing-winds-very-cool/
[7] Seeds for Justice and Hope for Palestinians and Israelis – What is required of US?
See: McLaren’s Palestinian Justice Speech, Part 1 https://mennolite.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/mclarens-palestinian-justice-speech-part-1/
McLaren’s Palestinian Justice Speech, Part 2 https://mennolite.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/mclarens-palestinian-justice-speech-part-2/
[8] http://www.naramatacentre.net/
[9] http://www.cija.ca/issues/ucc/
[11] Understanding Christian Zionism http://www.thebereancall.org/content/september-2013-extra-understanding-christian-zionism
[12] What is replacement theology/supersessionism? http://www.gotquestions.org/replacement-theology.html
[13] MYTH 1: ISRAEL OCCUPIES ARAB PALESTINE http://www.wall-of-truth.org/myths/

CZ Conference poster[FINAL]



Upcoming conference on Christian Zionism:

Facing the New Jerusalem:
 Face-to-Face with Christian Zionism and with Palestinian Christians

October 23  – 25, 2014 NEW DATE – SPRING 2015! (details t.b.a.)
University of the Fraser Valley
Abbotsford, B.C.

Why Bless Israel?

Facing the New Jerusalem: Face to Face with Christian Zionism

Why This Conference
Because even as he turned his face to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), the followers of Jesus today must confront the hard realities of pain and suffering in the land of promise. Because many Christians and churches, with many Muslims and Jews, are committed to peace, justice and reconciliation with alternatives to Christian Zionism and Replacement Theology. Because our Palestinian Christian sisters and brothers have called us to hear their cry for reconciliation by better understanding our own faith. Because we are called to challenge the false teaching that undermines the biblical message of love, mercy, and justice present in the insidious form of Christian Zionism pervasive in our own traditions that remains silent in the face of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Conference Mission Statement
We aim to empower the many Christians and their churches, with many Muslims and Jews, who are committed to peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel, with alternatives to Christian Zionism and Replacement Theology. We are called to challenge the false teaching that undermines the biblical message of love, mercy, and justice, present in the insidious form of Christian Zionism, often pervasive in our own traditions, and that remains silent in the face of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Who Should Attend?
• Christians, Muslims and Jews who want to learn from and engage with Palestinian Christianity.
• Leaders locally and nationally of Christian denominations
• Members of churches’ outreach units and service committees
• Faculty and students from theological colleges and seminaries
• Leaders of ecumenical networks

Objectives of this Conference
1. To educate participants on the history and theology of Christian Zionism in Canada and the U.S. and on how its manifestations represent a barrier to peace in the Middle East.
2. To empower denominational leaders with a deeper understanding of active and passive Christian Zionism so that they can educate their members on this aspect of engaging their faith with integrity.
3. To galvanize church-related organizations, faith-based groups and civil society groups who are working in solidarity with the churches and who affirm the role of the churches in challenging spurious charges of anti-semitism and being anti-Jewish .
4. To equip churches, seminaries and teaching centres with updated scholarship and information on the churches’ stand on Christian Zionism.
5. To support Christians in Canada with the knowledge, resources and confidence to participate more actively and effectively in the wider public discourse regarding Canada’s role in Israel Palestine and foreign policy in the Middle East.
To spread the word through the anticipated 200 participants including students, and by providing online access to proceedings during and after the Conference.

BOMBING IN JERUSALEM: Also, more rockets/mortars hit southern Israel



Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, 
Founder Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre, Jerusalem, Palestine

Natalie Maxson, 
Program Director at the United Church of Canada’s Naramata Centre, B.C.

Dr. Gary Burge
, Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College, Illinois

Dale Hildebrand
, Former Program Director of Middle East work for KAIROS Canada, Canadian Friends of Sabeel (CFOS) Executive Member, Toronto

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, 
Advisory Board Member Jewish Voices for Peace, Co-Founder of Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence, San Francisco

Jonathan Kuttab
, Lawyer, Co-Founder of Al-Haq Human Rights Centre in Ramallah, Chairman of the Board Bethlehem Bible College, Chairman of the Board Holy Land Trust, Sabeel Board Member, Ramallah, Palestine

Ron Dart
, Professor of Political Science and Religious Studies, University of the Fraser Valley, B.C.

Rev. Dr. Donald (Don) Wagner, 
Program Director for Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), Co-Founder of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding, Chicago

Facing the New Jerusalem: Schedule


Thursday, October 23rd
3:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.: Registration
5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.: Dinner
6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.: Greetings/Overview of the Conference
7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: Palestinian Music
7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.: Key Note Address: Christian Zionism and the Palestinians – Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek
8:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.: Audience Q. & A.

Friday October 24
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.: Breakfast
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.: Plenary: Types of Christian Zionism – Don Wagner/Gary Burge
10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.: Audience Q. & A.
10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.: Coffee Break
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Plenary: A Jewish Palestinian and Dialogue – Lynn Gottlieb/Jonathan Kuttab
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Lunch
1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m.: Plenary: Canadian Christian Zionism/Canadian Foreign Policy – Ron Dart
2:15 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Panel Response/Audience Q. & A.
3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Coffee
3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.: Workshop I
Evening: Dinner at a Local Restaurant

Saturday October 25
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.: Breakfast
9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.: Plenary: Action and Application – Natalie Maxson/Dale Hildebrand/Don Wagner
9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.: Panel Response/Audience Q. & A.
10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.: Coffee
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Workshop II
12:00 p.m.-12:30 p.m.: Final Reflections/Benediction – Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek

Potential Workshops
16th-17th Century Roots of Philosemitism-Christian Zionism – Gerald Hobbs
Authentic Christian Pilgrimage – Rev. Robert Assaly
Orthodox Christians and the Palestinians – Adam Yaghi
Nakba and Palestinian Memory Mining – Nawal Mutut
Thinking Outside the Oslo Box – Jonathan Kuttab
Jewish Voices for Peace – Rabbi Linda Gottlieb
Dialogue and Zionism – William Roberts
The Future of Jerusalem – Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek
Music and Justice/Peacemaking – Steve Bell



Anti-Zionist Lectures in Canada


Palestinian Liberation Theology Exposed Jan 20, 2014
Reverend Dr. Naim Stifan Ateek (Arab Palestinian Anglican priest and founder of Sabeel International Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem) attempts to revise history.


Facing the New Jerusalem :
Face-to-Face with Christian Zionism and with Palestinian Christians

April 23 – 25, 2015
Vancouver B.C.

Also see:

Sabeel: the Devil in Canada’s Churches

Christians and Modern Israel

Christians and Modern Israel: Theologically complicated? Maybe. Ethically? Not so much
by Calvin Smith

Once again conflict in the Middle East raises that perennial question: How should Christians view and respond to the modern State of Israel? Debate focuses on several issues Western Christianity has traditionally grappled with, for example, the sanctity of life, when is war justified, theodicy (why God allows suffering), and what did Christ mean when He taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers”.

Yet that same Christ, or Messiah (“Christ” is derived from the Greek for “Messiah”, Hebrew “Mashiach”) was Jewish, from a nation God called His own. And one day this Jewish Messiah will return, not like before, as a lamb led meekly to His death, but as Conquering King, a Davidic King. This and their theological view that God retains a plan for the Jewish people likewise shape how some Christians view today’s Jewish state. Add to that a long, shameful history of the Church’s maltreatment of the Jews and brutal anti-Semitism and it becomes clear that Christians need to get this issue right. . .

More here:

From Zionism to Palestinianism

“For at least the last 100 years, Christian Zionists have been the one arm of the Evangelical church that maintained a very friendly, positive attitude towards Israel and the Jewish people. Most Israeli Prime Ministers since 1948, have recognized the friends they had within Christian Zionist circles.
Unfortunately, the tide is changing. . .
. . . This changing tide is known as “Christian Palestinianism” and will turn into a tsunami if nothing gets done. It has already swept a large number of Evangelicals into questioning, disliking AND rejecting any kind of Zionism. Christian Palestinianism is Christian anti-Zionism, and as such it must be confronted.”

Source: From Zionism to Palestinianism: The Great Christian Betrayal!
by Olivier J. Melnick

Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Support Israel

Billy Graham’s Son Urges Christians to Support Israel

Franklin Graham, son of legendary Christian evangelist Billy Graham, urged fellow Christians last week to support the State of Israel, on both moral and religious grounds.
Speaking at a solidarity event at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, the younger Graham, himself an accomplished minister and evangelist, said the Bible makes clear that modern Israel should be an important issue for Christians.
“I support Israel not only because I worship a Jew, but because of what the Bible says about Israel and the future of Israel,” he said.
Graham’s remarks come at a time when more and more Evangelical Christians are abandoning support of Israel in favor of a new theology of social justice that serves Palestinian nationalist aspirations.
One of the talking points of this new theology is that modern Israel can not and must not be directly associated with the Israel of the Bible, that today’s Jewish state is not, as people like Franklin Graham preach, a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.


An Anti-Israel Sing-a-long with Sabeel

“…the anti-Israel church activists at the Liberation Theology group Sabeel decided to mix in piano-accompanied singing to their recent event at Wesley Theological Seminary (…). Just in time for the Holidays…”

Read more here:

An Anti-Israel Sing-a-long with Sabeel


At interfaith meet in Jerusalem, a grim picture of Jewish-Protestant relations

Prophets Who Prophesy Lies In My Name

Leaders call to fight wave of anti-Israel agitation

Some Problematic Theologies
Replacement Theology, Liberation Theology, Christian Palestinianism, Dominion Theology, Restorationism, Latter Rains, Dispensationalism, Dual Covenant Theology & Marcionism

Hanegraaff and Burge Bash Israel

“Hanegraaff and Burge both claim they are not anti-Israel or pro-Palestinian, but neutral in supporting peace and justice. Between being anti-Zionist, demonizing Israel, white-washing human rights abuses by Palestinian rulers in Gaza and the West Bank, and indoctrinating students to support Palestinian Arabs against Israelis, their claims of neutrality appear to be little more than posturing.”

Read all about it here:

Hanegraaff and Burge Attack Christian Support of Israel

And here:

Hanegraaff Promoting Anti-Israel Film

God’s Judgment on America, the Global Rise of Anti-Semitism and the Call to Stand with Israel

God’s Judgment on America, the Global Rise of Anti-Semitism and the Call to Stand with Israel

By Paul McGuire

Anti-Semitism is sweeping Europe, the U.S., the Middle East and many regions of the world. Israel is in greater danger than at any time since the rise of the Third Reich in the 1930’s. Iran and Radical Islam threaten Israel’s very existence while the White House is aggressively making plans to divide Israel and create a Palestinian State. In addition, many so-called Christian Churches are embracing Replacement Theology. Replacement Theology teaches that the Church has replaced Israel. A wide spectrum of Protestant, Catholic and Emergent Church’s has embraced that deep spiritual deception.

More here:


What is Replacement Theology?

What is Replacement Theology?
Dr. Thomas Ice

Replacementtheology “is the view that the church is the new or true Israel that haspermanently replaced or superseded Israel as the people of God.”[1] Another term, often found in academic circles,for replacement theology is supersessionism. Replacement theology has been the fuel that has energized Medieval anti-Semitism, Eastern European pogroms, the Holocaust and contemporary disdain for the modern state of Israel. Mike Vlach notes: “The acceptance or rejection ofsupersessionism may also influence how one views the modern state of Israel and events in the Middle East.”[2] Wherever replacement theology has flourished, the Jews have had to run for cover.

More @ SOURCE:

The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective

The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective
What are the spiritual roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Can the conflict be solved politically?

by Dr. David R. Reagan

“Why don’t those stubborn Jews just give the Arabs the West Bank so that there can be peace in the Middle East?”

The question was directed to me by a grumpy man I was sitting next to on an airplane.

Suspecting that the man did not have the foggiest idea what he was talking about, I responded with a question: “Where is the West Bank?”

“You know,” he said.

“Yes, I know, but do you?”

“Well, of course I know!” he snapped.

“Okay then, where is it?” I asked again, insisting that he answer.

“Well… well…” he sputtered, “the West Bank is the west bank of the Nile!”

More here:


Neo-Replacement Theology

Neo-Replacement Theology

By Thomas Ice

“Supersessionism is the view that the New Testament Church supersedes, replaces, or fulfills the nation Israel’s place and role in the plan of God,”1 notes Mike Vlach, who has written a PhD dissertation on the topic.2 Supersessionism is another term, often found in academic circles, for replacement theology. Today there is a growing trend for some who teach replacement theology to deny that their views should legitimately be classified as supersessionism…

More here:


Key Mennonite Institutions against Israel

The following is a very important article:

Key Mennonite Institutions against Israel
By Dexter Van Zile
Published July 2009

* Mennonite-supported peacemaking institutions have been at the forefront of the effort to discredit Israel to audiences in North America. These institutions portray Jewish sovereignty as the cause of conflict and suffering in the Middle East and downplay Muslim and Arab hostility toward Jews and Israel.

* The prescription for peace offered by these activists-especially those affiliated with the Mennonite Central Committee and Christian Peacemaker Teams-is for Israeli Jews to abandon their insistence on maintaining Israel as a sovereign Jewish state and acquiesce to a one-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. This prescription fails to take into account overwhelming evidence that a Jewish minority would not be safe in a Muslim- and Arab-majority country in the Middle East.

* Mennonite expressions of hostility toward Jewish sovereignty and indifference to the plight of Jews in Arab- and Muslim-majority states are ironic and hypocritical. Mennonites enjoy safety and wellbeing by virtue of other people’s willingness to engage in acts of violence. Israeli Jews enjoy no such privilege.

* Mennonite anti-Zionism is emblematic of an inability to deal with the reality of evil and the power needed to confront it….

To read the rest of this excellent article, click here:


The Palestinian Threat to Israel

The Palestinian Threat to Israel

by Prof. Johan Malan, Middelburg, South Africa

There are different areas in which Israel’s survival is threatened by the Palestinians. The following are some of the most important ones:

Click here for more:


Christian Palestinianism

According to the following article, “Christian Palestinianism” is “a relatively new, largely intellectual, professedly Christian, anti-Zionist movement [that] has sprung up alongside [Christian Zionism].” It is the polar opposite of Christian Zionism.

Christian Palestinianism
by Dr. Thomas Ice

The Dual Covenant Heresy: More End-Time Deception

The Dual Covenant Heresy: More End-Time Deception

by Jan Markell

If you hadn’t guessed, Olive Tree Ministries is pro-Israel. In fact, we would be labeled a “Christian Zionist” organization, which certain radio ministries have derided in a most non-Christian manner. We love the Jewish people and I have or had many Jewish family members who were believers. Others went to their graves ignoring the Messiah and His message.

I have mixed feelings when it comes to various “Nights to Honor Israel” being held around the country. A local mega-church in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area has had some in recent years. I attended in 2007 and was so bitterly disappointed — in fact, sickened –that I chose not to go back last week. Forgive me if this takes on a twinge of being harsh. That is not my purpose. I am just passionate that all come to a knowledge of the Savior while there is time. I would also like to know when was the commandment to take the Gospel to the Jew abrogated? (Romans 1:16)

Both this year and last year the pastor of the Word of Faith mega-church ended the program by telling both Jews and non-Jews in the audience that the Jews do not need to be either evangelized or “saved.” They automatically are. Pray tell, where does the Bible say that?? The pastor said that “all Israel will be saved.” (Romans 11:26) Yes, they will be saved when they see Him whom they pierced. (Zechariah 12:10) But a remnant must be reached before that. What is to be made of the Jewish revival (or Messianic revival) of the last 35 years?

Read more HERE.

Dual Covenant Theology

Dual Covenant Theology

Heresy: n 1: any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position [syn: unorthodoxy, heterodoxy] [ant: orthodoxy] 2: a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion

Because of their enthusiastic support for the Jews’ biblical right to the Land of Israel some Christian organizations are willing to compromise the New Testament teachings that salvation is obtained through Jesus Christ alone. In order to show the Jewish people that they harbor no hidden agenda through this support, they state that not only will they not proselytize Jews to the Christian faith but that Jews do not have to accept Jesus as their Messiah in order to be saved. Such a teaching is not only contrary to the clear teachings of Jesus and His apostles but it is the most heretical doctrine in Christianity because it strikes at the reason God sent His Son to earth in the first place. This teaching is known as the Two or Dual Covenant doctrine. The Dual Covenant theological position states that the Jews have a covenantal relationship with God through the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants and therefore do not need to accept the New Covenant or Testament made through Jesus Christ.

Read more here:
