Obama the Jew

Obama the Jew
On Jewish matters, comparing Obama with his predecessors.

Last week, President Obama said that he is “the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat” in the Oval Office. Which means, he said, that when people say he’s “anti-Israel,” “it hurts.”

Since taking office, Mr. Obama has said many noxious things. Mostly overlooked was something he said at a meeting with Senate Democrats early this year: that he understood why the senators were opposing his deal with Iran, because (according to the New York Times) “he understood the pressures that senators face from donors and others.”

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Nine Questions Obama Wasn’t Asked on Israel


Mr. President, You are NO Friend of Israel

Mr. President, You are NO Friend of Israel
By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison , CP Op-Ed Contributors

President Obama, you recently gave an interview to Israeli television claiming you are “the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.” That’s so far from the truth even a GPS cannot find it.

First, there was George Washington. His address to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport in 1790 was the first time in history any national leader spoke to the Jews as fully equal fellow citizens. Then, there was Thomas Jefferson, who thought the Great Seal of the United States should have been the Children of Israel and their Exodus from Egyptian bondage. President Lincoln was so beloved by American Jews that they called him “Rabbi Abraham.”

Then there was FDR. President Roosevelt met the first King of Saudi Arabia. He didn’t bow to him, Sir, as you did to that desert despot’s son. But President Franklin D. Roosevelt insisted on holding Divine Services on board his warship, the USS Quincy, before his Sunday meeting with the Saudi king. Roosevelt got nowhere pleading with King Adbul Azziz for a homeland for the Jews. But at least he maintained his dignity and our national honor. . .

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It’s no secret. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, despises Israel. But what is even more apparent is his hatred for Israel’s leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We now know that Obama did everything possible behind the scenes to sabotage Netanyahu’s recent re-election. Fortunately, Obama’s attempts to undermine Netanyahu’s campaign backfired. When Israeli citizens saw Obama’s open disdain for their Prime Minister, it turned the election — which had been a tight race — into a landslide victory for Netanyahu.

In my opinion, Israel’s decision to re-elect Bibi Netanyahu may have been as much a vote against Obama as a vote in favor of Netanyahu. Even when Barack Obama first ran for the office of US President in 2008, polls showed that a vast majority of Israelis opposed him. Unlike a majority of American Jews at the time, Israeli Jews did not trust Obama. His very pro-UN positions on Israeli/Palestinian issues deeply concerned them. Yet, despite his well-known positions Americans voted him into power; then elected him a second time, fully aware of what he stood for.

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Never forget… Never again

Obama decries anti-Semitism in Remembrance Day message
‘Never forget. Never again,’ US president says, joining European Union in call to combat ‘far too common’ Jew-hatred

US President Barack Obama called for a forceful stand against anti-Semitism in a message marking Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“It is incumbent upon us to make real those timeless words, ‘Never forget. Never again.’ Yet, even as we recognize that mankind is capable of unspeakable acts of evil, we also draw strength from the survivors, the liberators, and the righteous among nations who represented humanity at its best,” Obama said.

“With their example to guide us, together we must firmly and forcefully condemn the anti-Semitism that is still far too common today.

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Netanyahu to Obama: Iran deal threatens Israel’s survival

Netanyahu to Obama: Iran deal threatens Israel’s survival
PM tells president agreement based on new framework would ‘legitimize Iran’s nuclear program, bolster its economy, increase its aggression and terror in Mideast and beyond

A nuclear deal with Iran based on the political framework reached in Switzerland between Tehran and the P5+1 world earlier Thursday “threatens the survival of the State of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama during a phone call to discuss the accord

Obama phoned Netanyahu hours after the framework was struck. Netanyahu has been strongly opposed to the emerging deal, arguing that it does not have the necessary safeguards and will pave the way to a nuclear Iran.

Read more: Netanyahu to Obama: Iran deal threatens Israel’s survival | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-to-obama-iran-deal-threatens-israels-existence/#ixzz3WD99BQAC


Defeatist Obama’s deal with the devil

Official: White House was part of bid to oust Netanyahu

Official: White House was part of bid to oust Netanyahu
Senior Jerusalem source says administration wanted ‘revenge’ over Congress speech; declares there’ll be no Palestinian state ‘in our generation’

The White House was directly involved in an attempt to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last week’s general election, during a nadir in ties between the Israeli leader and US President Barack Obama, a senior Jerusalem official said Tuesday

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Times of Israel that “it’s no secret” that the Obama administration had attempted to influence the outcome of the election, having been partially motivated by a desire for revenge over Netanyahu’s polarizing speech before Congress earlier this month, which sought to undermine the president’s key foreign policy initiative – a nuclear deal with Iran.

Read more: Official: White House was part of bid to oust Netanyahu | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/officials-white-house-was-part-of-bid-to-oust-netanyahu/#ixzz3VPMCgTKG

Obama Plots Revenge Against Israel

“…we’re on the precipice I think of real danger here. These next two years, there are no impediments, there’s nothing stopping him. This stuff is really, really scary. This is the stuff that Saturday Night Live skits are made of, except this is as real as anything. We have the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, the president of the United States, actually now planning on going to the United Nations to undermine our ally, Israel, in favor of our enemy, Iran, and I would dare say our other enemies, Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Obama Plots Revenge Against Israel
March 19, 2015


Obama Addresses His People — in Iran!
March 20, 2015

The Leader of the Free World is . . .

Brilliant . . .

Source: Bill Whittle: The Leader of the Free World isn’t Obama

Reactions to PM of Israel’s Speech

Nothing focuses the mind and heart like moral, ethical, and legal clarity. And today in the House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol, the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, gave an historically important speech. A speech that any previous American president could have and maybe would have made, a speech to rally and save Western civilization.

SOURCE: Netanyahu Is Everything Obama Is Not http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/03/03/netanyahu_is_everything_obama_is_not

Meanwhile . . .

President Obama didn’t watch Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, and after reading a transcript of the address insisted there was “nothing new” there. . . “I’m not focused on the politics of it. I’m not focused on the theater of it.”

SOURCE: Obama Reads Transcript of Netanyahu Speech, Declares ‘Nothing Comes Close’ to P5+1 Deal

And . . .

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi turned her back on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he said, “Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand.”

SOURCE: Nancy Pelosi Turns Her Back on Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech

However . . .

Even the Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English believes that when it comes to Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is right and President Obama is wrong. Faisal J. Abbas, whose leftist credentials are impeccable (he blogs for the Huffington Post) said that a recent ceremony to thank IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Netanyahu correctly estimated the threat. Abbas wrote on Al Arabiya, “The Israeli PM managed to hit the nail right on the head when he said that Middle Eastern countries are collapsing and that “terror organizations, mostly backed by Iran, are filling in the vacuum.”
Abbas continued, “In just a few words, Mr. Netanyahu managed to accurately summarize a clear and present danger, not just to Israel (which obviously is his concern), but to other U.S. allies in the region.”
Then, after praising Netanyahu, Abbas got down to business, pointing out Obama’s dangerous Iran policy. . .

SOURCE: Editor-in-Chief Of Al Arabiya English: Bibi Right, Obama Wrong On Iran

Netanyahu to give speech today

Purim begins in the evening of Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Today Netanyahu will be giving a speech which will be ignored by President Obama.

For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

Netanyahu set to give ‘historic’ speech to Congress

Tickets on high demand for controversial address; US warns prime minister against revealing confidential information on talks

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu geared up to give a much-anticipated speech to Congress on the Iranian nuclear deal Tuesday, a day after US President Barack Obama disparaged his judgment . . .

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[The Times of Israel is now liveblogging events as they unfold at above link.]


Report: Obama threatened to fire on Israeli jets attacking Iran
March 1, 2015

Clearly stated . . .

“Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has taken a lot of heat from the media for his remark that he’s not sure if President Obama really loves America. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I do know that the president defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriages and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don’t agree. Our nation is ridiculed abroad and morally crumbling within. We are in trouble. We have turned our back on God.” – Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham: President Obama Defends Islam, Criticizes Christians

Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel

Obama seeks confrontation with Israel

Obama seeks confrontation with Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to the intensifying global pressures on Israel is ‎to firmly reject any further territorial withdrawals that would put Israel’s security at risk, ‎stating that “Israel will not lose hope for peace, but neither will it cling to false hope.”‎

He was also forthright about his intention to continue residential construction in Jerusalem, ‎noting that “all previous Israeli governments have done so. … It is also clear to the Palestinians ‎that these territories will remain within Israel’s borders in any deal.”‎

The Obama administration’s response to Israel’s confirmation that it would continue to create ‎homes in the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem was vindictive, brutal, and in stark contrast to ‎its deafening silence on Palestinian incitement.‎

The State Department went so far as to accuse Israel of acting “illegally” and in a manner ‎‎”incompatible with the pursuit of peace.” ‎

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Obama administration does not share Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s view

Netanyahu: Militant Islam Aims to ‘Dominate World;’ State Dept.: ‘No’ It Doesn’t
by Patrick Goodenough

(CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration does not share Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s view that the forces of militant Islam, whether Sunni or Shi’ite, have in common an ultimate goal “to dominate the world,” a State Department spokeswoman said Monday.
In a hard-hitting speech at the United Nations, the Israeli leader said that entities such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL), Hamas, the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram share that eventual goal.
Jen Psaki was asked at the State Department daily briefing later whether the administration agreed with Netanyahu’s argument that those various groups “are all part of the same kind of militant Muslim – Islamic attempt to rule the world.”

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By Ben Shapiro

On Wednesday, on the first anniversary of President Barack Obama’s speech to the United Nations in which he called for ouster of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, Obama attempted to rally support for his airstrikes against Assad’s terrorist opposition. Taking on issues ranging from Iran to Russia, from Ukraine to Syria, from global warming to Ebola, Obama pledged to utilize American might in service to the United Nations, speaking grandly of the beauty and power of the world’s least effective and most morally bankrupt international institution. . .

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Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance

The following important article by Caroline Glick explains the partnership between Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia that has recently emerged due to the abandonment of the US’s traditional allies (thanks to President Obama).

Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance
by Caroline Glick

Hamas’s war with Israel is not a stand-alone event. It is happening in the context of the vast changes that are casting asunder old patterns of behavior and strategic understandings as actors in the region begin to reassess the threats they face.

Hamas was once funded by Saudi Arabia and enabled by Egypt. Now the regimes of these countries view it as part of a larger axis of Sunni jihad that threatens not only Israel, but them…

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Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance

Our world: Israel, Hamas and Obama’s foreign policy

Our world: Israel, Hamas and Obama’s foreign policy
Americans need to be alarmed by what Obama’s actions on behalf of Hamas reveal about the general direction of American Middle East policy under his leadership.

When US President Barack Obama phoned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday night, in the middle of a security cabinet meeting, he ended any remaining doubt regarding his policy toward Israel and Hamas.

Obama called Netanyahu while the premier was conferring with his senior ministers about how to proceed in Gaza. Some ministers counseled that Israel should continue to limit our forces to specific pinpoint operations aimed at destroying the tunnels of death that Hamas has dug throughout Gaza and into Israeli territory.

Others argued that the only way to truly destroy the tunnels, and keep them destroyed, is for Israel to retake control over the Gaza Strip.

No ministers were recommending that Israel end its operations in Gaza completely. The longer our soldiers fight, the more we learn about the vast dimensions of the Hamas’s terror arsenal, and about the Muslim Brotherhood group’s plans and strategy for using it to destabilize, demoralize and ultimately destroy Israeli society. . .

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Jon Voight Slams Obama, Kerry At Pro-Israel Rally



Obama & Kerry’s First Foreign Policy Success

Barack Obama using FAA in ‘economic boycott of Israel’

Ted Cruz: Barack Obama using FAA in ‘economic boycott of Israel’

The State Department and Sen. Ted Cruz sparred Wednesday over the Texas Republican’s accusation that the Obama administration was trying to sabotage Israel’s economy by barring flights into Tel Aviv.
Earlier on Wednesday, the FAA announced it had extended a ban on U.S.-based airlines flying into or out of Ben Gurion International Airport for another 24 hours. The agency initially enacted the ban at noon Tuesday after a Hamas-fired rocket landed within a mile of the airport, citing the ongoing “potentially hazardous security situation created by the armed conflict between Israel and Gaza.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/ted-cruz-barack-obama-israel-faa-109294.html#ixzz38LRmtE4w

The White House Stabs Israel in the Back – Again

The White House Stabs Israel in the Back —- Again

Let us engage in a brief thought experiment. Imagine if a top American official during World War II, say Eisenhower or perhaps Bradly, publically blasted Britain while British troops were slugging it out with German panzers at Caen, while British blood was being used to secure the Allies’ left flank and the roads to Paris. It is an inconceivable thought, but had it occurred, evidence of a fissure among allies would have served to embolden Hitler and would have had a devastating demoralizing effect on our British partners.

Of course, the Allies had their differences (Montgomery and Patton were notorious critics of one another) but generally kept them hush and within the family. It would be unfathomable for members of the Allied powers to publically censure one another, for such action would be deemed counterproductive. On the rare occasion where a ranking member of the Allied forces veered from accepted protocol and issued public criticism, he was scolded and quickly forced to issue a retraction or apology.

Fast forward to July 2014. . .

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Israel can’t rely on ‘weak’ US to deal with Iran

Israel can’t rely on ‘weak’ US to deal with Iran, Ya’alon warns
Tehran has outwitted West ‘in Persian bazaar,’ defense minister says, slamming Oba

Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon issued a scathing critique of the Obama administration, an Israeli newspaper reported Monday, declaring that Israel cannot rely on the US to thwart Iran’s nuclear program, accusing the administration of broadcasting weakness throughout the world, and warning that its perceived weakness was inviting further terrorism against US targets.

Speaking at a Tel Aviv University event on Sunday reported by the Haaretz daily, Ya’alon said Israel could not afford to rely on the Obama administration to lead an action against Iran’s nuclear program, and that Israel could only rely on itself. Israel had believed that “the one who should lead the campaign against Iran is the US,” but instead, “the US at a certain stage began negotiating with them, and unfortunately in the Persian bazaar the Iranians were better,” he said. Therefore, “we (Israelis) have to look out for ourselves.”

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5 Year Time Check (on Purim)

Just over five years ago, on January 19, 2009 . . . a timely challenge was offered.

“. . . the incoming president got a pointed reminder Sunday morning of what lies just ahead. Ignoring his mentor-turned-nemesis, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was preaching in a Washington pulpit, Mr. Obama took his family instead to an old-line Baptist congregation, there to hear the pastor tell of the saga of Queen Esther, the Jewish queen of ancient Persia – now Iran – who by wit and wile saved ancient Israel from destruction. Said the pastor, the Rev. Derrick Hawkins, to the man seated on the second row: “Perhaps, just perhaps, you are where you are for just such a time.” No one could miss the point of the sermon.

SOURCE: The honeymoon ends promptly at noon
Monday, January 19, 2009

Candidly Speaking: Obama-Netanyahu rift is unbridgeable

Candidly Speaking: Obama-Netanyahu rift is unbridgeable
In an unprecedented breach of diplomatic etiquette, President Obama once again sandbagged Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

In an unprecedented breach of diplomatic etiquette, President Obama once again sandbagged Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. In a carefully orchestrated interview with Jeff Goldberg, a columnist for Bloomberg, released a few hours before the prime minister’s arrival in the US, Obama reverted to his May 2011 role as an Israel basher and engaged in personal savaging and humiliation of Netanyahu.

This despite Netanyahu’s intimation that Israel intended to adopt the Kerry framework, albeit with reservations.

Obama accused Netanyahu of leading his country toward disaster, condemned the “more aggressive settlement construction” and rhetorically asked, “Do you resign yourself to what amounts to a permanent occupation of the West Bank?” He effusively praised Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas – who had rejected prime minister Ehud Olmert’s offer for 97 percent of territories over the Green Line and refused to even conduct negotiations unless Israel released mass murderers whom he currently fetes as heroes. Obama made no reference to Palestinian intransigence and total unwillingness to compromise.

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Obama’s Betrayal of Israel as a Jewish State

Obama’s Betrayal of Israel as a Jewish State

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has flatly refused to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Such recognition is a key condition that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demanded for reaching an acceptable peace agreement on a two-state solution with the Palestinians.

Prime Minister Netanyahu explained the importance of such Palestinian recognition, which would amount to an expression of the Palestinians’ good faith intention to truly end the conflict by accepting Israel’s right of self-determination to once and for all live in peace as the Jewish state its founders envisioned. . .

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***Related update:

Lessons for Obama from Canada

Netanyahu at AIPAC: Rebutting Obama, Affirming Israel

Netanyahu at AIPAC: Rebutting Obama, Affirming Israel

On Sunday, even before Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu had arrived in America for his current visit, President Obama was portraying him in an interview to Bloomberg’s Jeffrey Goldberg as the obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace.

At the same time, Obama lavished praised on Netanyahu’s opposite number on the Palestinian side, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, calling him “somebody who has been committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts to resolve this issue.” Abbas, in another one of countless such instances, has just sent a representative to glorify a Palestinian who murdered an Israeli mother and her two children, and has also sent a wreath to honor a suicide bomber who killed eight Israelis on a bus.

Read here:


Related Update:

Lessons for Obama from Canada

Obama’s War on Israel

Obama’s War on Israel

If the left’s foreign policy these days had a slogan, it would be, “Boycott Israel, not Iran.” The double standard, dishonest as it is ugly, is also the motto of Obama’s foreign policy, which benevolently blesses Iran’s nuclear program with one outstretched hand in the name of peace and chokes concessions out of Israel to the terrorists with the other also in the name of peace.

Both peace plans are going disastrously according to plan.

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The current Israel-US rift was only a matter of time

The current Israel-US rift was only a matter of time

Given their wildly different stances on the Mideast, is it any wonder the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government keep clashing?

In many ways, the most recent discord between Washington and Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was inevitable. It was really only a matter of time — for more reasons than just the personal tensions between Netanyahu and Barack Obama.

A deep abyss separates the two sides when it comes to their perspectives of the Middle East and the changes it has undergone in recent years.

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Right-wing pro-Israel lobby in US slams Obama in new ad

Right-wing pro-Israel lobby in US slams Obama in new ad

Video uses US public concerns over Obamacare to warn over his untrustworthiness on Iran; new poll shows Israelis opposing president’s Iran policies

The Emergency Committee for Israel, a right-wing pro-Israel lobby in Washington, released a TV ad on Thursday bashing US President Barack Obama as untrustworthy on Israel and Iran.

The one-minute video, titled “Obama’s March to War,” strikes a very relevant cord for many Americans by beginning with the president’s promises regarding his signature healthcare legislation, popularly known as “Obamacare.”

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Can Israel Survive Obama?

Can Israel Survive Obama?

In the spring of 2012, when I wrote ”The Last Israelis,” I thought that the pessimistic premise of my cautionary tale on Iranian nukes was grounded in realism. I had imagined a U.S. president who passively and impotently reacted to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, leaving it to tiny Israel to deal with the threat. But something far worse is happening: the Obama administration is actively making it harder for Israel to neutralize Iran’s nukes, and more likely that Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal…

… As if Israel didn’t face enough threats and challenges, it must now survive the Obama nightmare until he’s out of office in 38 months. Isolated like never before thanks to Obama, the stark choices facing Israel’s leadership are unimaginably difficult…

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The Irony of the Day

” . . . let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.” James 4:9

While Israel reels in stunned surprise by the US course of action on Iran, the real surprise today is the irony of Obama grinning with Alonso Mourning on the Caddyshack course, scene of the popular comedy, while “Netanyahu is in a state of shocked disbelief” from feeling misled by the Obama team.


(AP) Obama, former NBA star golf at ‘Caddyshack’ course
Associated Press

Despite sporadic fall showers and the muggy Florida sun, President Barack Obama hit the greens Saturday with a former NBA star at the ritzy golf club where “Caddyshack” was filmed.

In South Florida for a trio of fundraisers the night before, Obama traveled north from Miami to Fort Lauderdale, where he joined former basketball player Alonso Mourning at the Grande Oaks Golf Club.

The name of the private, 18-hole course has changed over the years, but “Caddyshack” fans will remember it as the site where Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield and a rambunctious gopher got into all kinds of antics in the 1980 comedy flick.

Nearly three hours after he arrived, Obama was spotted behind the wheel of a golf cart, with Mourning in the passenger’s seat, cruising along near the ninth hole.




*The additional comments on this blog post are the opinions of the blog administrator.

Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations

“Netanyahu is in a state of shocked disbelief,” feels “misled” by Obama team. Rapidly intensifying crisis in U.S.-Israel relations developing due to disastrous Iran nuclear deal.

(Netanya, Israel) — I landed in Israel on Friday afternoon amidst a rapidly intensifying crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations.

The Obama administration is preparing to cut a disastrously bad nuclear bargain with Iran that relieves enormous economic pressure on Tehran without requiring the mullahs to dismantle a single centrifuge. The Israelis are stunned. Top officials feel betrayed by the White House, including by reports that the White House has secretly been easing sanctions for months. There have long been tensions between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. There have been times I have feared a “train wreck” between the two. Hopefully, the dynamic will change for the better, and quickly. But at the moment things are going from bad to worse in a hurry here…

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‘Crisis of faith’ between Israel and US

‘Crisis of faith’ between Israel and US over possible Iran deal

Netanyahu ‘in a state of shock’ over terms, believes agreement would enable Iran to become ‘nuclear breakout state,’ TV reports say; deal seen as putting an end to any Israeli military option

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “in a state of shocked disbelief” at the deal apparently taking shape in Geneva over Iran’s nuclear program, Israeli television news reports said Friday night.

Netanyahu, the reports on Israel’s Channel 10 and Channel 2 news said, had “an unprecedented confrontation” with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Tel Aviv on Friday morning over the possible deal, which he publicly described as “a very, very bad deal” and which he implored Kerry “not to rush to sign” and to “reconsider.”

The Netanyahu government is “in a crisis of faith” with the Obama administration over the possible deal…

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Agitated Netanyahu wonders if he left it too late

Time to confront Obama

Time to confront Obama
By Caroline B. Glick
Israel has been brought to its knees by its superpower patron

JewishWorldReview.com | The time has come for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to confront US President Barack Obama.

A short summary of events from the past three days: On Tuesday morning, the head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Analysis Division Brig. Gen. Itay Brun revealed that the Syrian government has already used “lethal chemical weapons,” against Syrian civilians and opposition forces. Brun described footage of people visibly suffering the impact of chemical agents, apparently sarin gas.

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How Obama Betrayed America



Caroline Glick, Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post said the Israeli people consider President Obama “a hostile president overall,” on “Mornings on the Mall” on WMAL-FM in Washington DC.

Appearing with Brian Wilson and myself Wednesday morning, Glick said the Israeli people “can’t figure out what he’s doing here,” when asked about the mood in Jerusalem as the President’s plane touched down for the first time in his presidency.

“Essentially his goal is to empower the un-electable, incredibly radical left in Israel to put pressure on the Israeli government for whatever concessions he wants it to make to the PLO,” said Glick in evaluating the reasons why Obama will be meeting with university students and members of the Palestinian Government during his visit.

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Obama’s Mysterious Israeli Odyssey

Obama’s Mirage in Israel

Obama’s Mirage in Israel

Before clicking Like of President Barack Hussein Obama, who seeks a public relations benefit on the eve of Holy Week and Passover, Israel and its supporters might consider how much Obama has UnLiked them to date.

Obama’s background, worldview, and policies make him no friend of the Jewish state…

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