10 Ways the World is Biased Against Israel

10 Ways the World is Biased Against Israel
David Harris

It’s appalling to see how Israel is treated by a totally different standard than other countries in the international system. Of course, Israel deserves scrutiny, as does every other nation. But it also merits equal treatment — nothing more, nothing less.
First, Israel is the only UN member state whose very right to exist is under constant challenge.
Notwithstanding the fact that Israel embodies an age-old connection with the Jewish people as repeatedly cited in the most widely read book in the world, the Bible, that it was created based on the 1947 recommendation of the UN, and that it has been a member of the world body since 1949, there’s a relentless chorus of nations, institutions, and individuals denying Israel’s very political legitimacy.

Read more here:

10 Ways the World is Biased Against Israel

Why Would “Christ at the Checkpoint” Compare Israel to ISIS?

“Sadly, while I was in Israel I was also made aware of a video that was released to promote an upcoming conference in July 2015, by and for young adults. The conference promotional piece was advertised as coming from “Christ at the Checkpoint-Young Adults” or CaTC-YA.

While I must admit that I was unable to understand the closing commentaries in Arabic, the video collage that came first was enough to upset any supporter of the truth about the Middle East. The video is rather short and it even repeats some of its footage on a loop.

Yet, what it tries to do will turn your stomach upside-down. It sends the very clear message that Israel is equal to ISIS in violence and human rights violation. You see footage of ISIS thugs getting ready to decapitate rows of “infidels” dressed in the now world “infamous” orange overalls, juxtaposed with Israelis filtering Palestinians though checkpoints. Then, another frame shows the Islamic State brandishing their black flag followed by an Israeli tank brandishing a Jewish flag, making again a “not-so” subliminal connection.”

More here:

Why Would “Christ at the Checkpoint” Compare Israel to ISIS?

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism

A One-Sided Attack on Zionism
The many problems with the documentary ‘With God on Our Side.’
Gerald McDermott

The documentary With God on Our Side is anything but balanced. It does not give “both sides their due” but instead interviews only Israelis on the far left and ignores Christian Zionists who defend the rights of Palestinians. The result is a one-sided attack on Israel that treats social and political realities with the same ideological insouciance which the documentary assigns to John Hagee and his band.
One interviewee in the film claims—without rebuttal—that Jews did not live in the land for two thousand years. The truth is that Jewish communities have lived in the land through all this time, flourishing in Jerusalem, Galilee and coastal cities in the 9th and 11th centuries, and then rebounding after being massacred by Crusaders in the 12th century. By the early 19th century, long before the rise of Zionism, more than ten thousand Jews lived in what is now Israel. . .

Read more here:


Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie

“It was the spirit of anti-christ that brought [the Jews] back to the Promised Land.” (Pastor Steven Anderson at 41:02 in Marching To Zion)

Steven Anderson, quoting 2 Chronicles 19:2, says, “The Bible teaches that if we help an ungodly and wicked nation like Israel, we’ll have God’s wrath on us.” (1:04:38)

Watch movie and read review here:


BDS really stands for Bullying, Delegitimizing and Slandering!

BDS really stands for Bullying, Delegitimizing and Slandering!

In my travels, I meet a lot of people from the Evangelical Christian community. Many of them have never heard of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) and frankly, this frightens me. This movement has picked up a lot of momentum in the past few months and has become quite pervasive.

I find it ironic that most of the people taking such a political stand have very little knowledge of how it got started and by whom. This decade old movement was started in 2005 by the Palestinian civil society. They claim that Israel must meet three obligations for BDS to stop:
1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.

More here:

BDS really stands for Bullying, Delegitimizing and Slandering!



It’s no secret. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, despises Israel. But what is even more apparent is his hatred for Israel’s leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We now know that Obama did everything possible behind the scenes to sabotage Netanyahu’s recent re-election. Fortunately, Obama’s attempts to undermine Netanyahu’s campaign backfired. When Israeli citizens saw Obama’s open disdain for their Prime Minister, it turned the election — which had been a tight race — into a landslide victory for Netanyahu.

In my opinion, Israel’s decision to re-elect Bibi Netanyahu may have been as much a vote against Obama as a vote in favor of Netanyahu. Even when Barack Obama first ran for the office of US President in 2008, polls showed that a vast majority of Israelis opposed him. Unlike a majority of American Jews at the time, Israeli Jews did not trust Obama. His very pro-UN positions on Israeli/Palestinian issues deeply concerned them. Yet, despite his well-known positions Americans voted him into power; then elected him a second time, fully aware of what he stood for.

Read more here:


Antisemitism and Anti-Israelism on Campus

Antisemitism and Anti-Israelism on Campus

Daubing swastikas on walls has always been a deliberate way to convey hostility— a short-hand for inspiring hate, fear and intimidation.

A college fraternity at Stanford University was vandalized with swastikas and other written epithets in late April.

Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., also suffered recent attacks, with swastikas found in a campus library in April and one scratched into a student’s car in January 2014.

Reading of this vandalism, I was reminded of an incident I experienced in the fifth grade, some 55 years ago. . .

More here:

Antisemitism and Anti-Israelism on Campus

Boycotting the Boycotters

What happens when the boycott is directed to the people who want to boycott Israel? Read about how a movement to boycott supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions is gathering momentum, here:

Boycotting the Boycotters: Anti-BDS Movement Gains Legal Momentum
Reactions from the anti-Israel crowd? Fury and panic.

Ottawa threatening hate charges against those who boycott Israel

Ottawa threatening hate charges against those who boycott Israel
Canada / 11-05-2015

The Harper government is signalling its intention to use hate crime laws against Canadian advocacy groups that encourage boycotts of Israel.

Such a move could target a range of civil society organizations, from the United Church of Canada and the Canadian Quakers to campus protest groups and labour unions.

If carried out, it would be a remarkably aggressive tactic, and another measure of the Conservative government’s lockstep support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

While the federal government certainly has the authority to assign priorities, such as pursuing certain types of hate speech, to the RCMP, any resulting prosecution would require an assent from a provincial attorney general.

And it would almost certainly be challenged under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, civil liberties groups say.

The government’s intention was made clear in a response to inquiries from CBC News about statements by federal ministers of a “zero tolerance” approach to groups participating in a loose coalition called Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS), which was begun in 2006 at the request of Palestinian non-governmental organizations.

Asked to explain what zero tolerance means, and what is being done to enforce it, a spokesperson for Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney replied, four days later, with a detailed list of Canada’s updated hate laws, noting that Canada has one of the most comprehensive sets of such laws “anywhere in the world.”


The Truth About Israel The World Doesn’t Like to Admit

Actions speak louder than words…

It’s so easy to condemn and make up facts without checking what is reality. The people speaking on this video, have made up their minds and will not let the facts confuse them. Yet public opinion is swayed by what public figures say.

Speak out. Israel is a democracy and gives Israeli Arabs full rights (and at times practices affirmative action).

Say it like it is. Israeli respects human rights and dignity and only falls back upon force when threatened and attacked.

Be honest. Israel respects the rights of the Palestinians and treats them in Israeli hospitals.

Many Muslims respond with hatred, deligitimitize Israel, attack Israelis verbally and physically, create historical fiction and blame Israel for it.

The Muslim world has been succesful in its propaganda crusade. We need to stand strong and refute the lies.

Please watch the video here:

The Truth About Israel The World Doesn’t Like to Admit

Israel Is Your Only Home

Israel Is Your Only Home

May 6 2015


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s words last fall to senior Jewish American leaders are serving as a daunting reminder —with the escalating anti-Semitism witnessed in Europe, American campuses and the White House — that Israel is the only true and secure home that the Jewish community can count on.

While speaking at a Rosh Hashanah party last September, Biden oddly brought up a quote he remembered from former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir….“You understand in your bones that no matter how hospitable, no matter how consequential, no matter how engaged, no matter how deeply involved you are in the United States … there is really only one absolute guarantee, and that’s the state of Israel,” Biden expressed to Jewish leaders, who were wary about the point he was trying make.

“Of course, it can and has been argued that Biden’s point of view is correct, and that ultimately even the Jews of America will have no choice but to flee to the relative safety of Israel,” reported Israel Today magazine. “Much has been made of rising anti-Semitism in Europe, but the same is true of the United States of late.”

More here:


Antisemitism: Time for Christian Individuals and Congregations to Speak Up

Antisemitism: Time for Christian Individuals and Congregations to Speak Up
May 6, 2015, ERIC MALLOY

The dark and damning cloud of Christian antisemitism over the centuries has morphed, changed names, and re-defined itself many times, but its momentum and influence are as evil and pervasive as ever. Among today’s manifestations within a swath of Canadian (and world-wide) Christianity is the organization Sabeel.

In Vancouver in April, under the conference banner of Seeking the Peace of Jerusalem: Overcoming Christian Zionism in the Quest for Justice, Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek and his entourage treated attendees to a blend of false teaching that inevitably flows when Christian leaders decide to stray from Biblical truth, justice, and authority and a balanced view of history. The conference, presented by Canadian Friends of Sabeel and co-sponsored by the Anglican Church of Canada, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), Presbyterian Church in Canada and United Church of Canada, was both an anti-Christian Zionist diatribe, and a pro-Palestinian / anti-Israel series of messages.

The conference sub-title was: “…examining the prevalence of Christian Zionism, its influence in the mainstream churches, and its adverse impact on the realization of a just peace.” That’s quite a mouthful from “Christian” leaders who apparently have little if anything to say about the attitudes, activities and actions of Israel’s enemies and haters. Could it be that they are among them?

More here:


Israelis who hate Israel—and the Christians who fund them

Israelis who hate Israel—and the Christians who fund them
Using church funds, Zochrot promotes a “de-Zionized Palestine,” meaning free of Jews.

While most Israelis celebrated 67 years of independence last week, a fringe Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) hopes this year will be the last for the Jewish state. Zochrot, a tiny radical anti-Zionist group, was established with the aim of “rais[ing] public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe” in Arabic)” and “recognizing and materializing the right of return,” an agenda equivalent to calling for the abolishment of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. With no local support base or constituency, Zochrot operates only through generous funding from a coterie of foreign Christian aid organizations.

Read more and see who funds this (including Christian Aid (U.K.), the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), and the United Church of Canada), here:


Never forget… Never again

Obama decries anti-Semitism in Remembrance Day message
‘Never forget. Never again,’ US president says, joining European Union in call to combat ‘far too common’ Jew-hatred

US President Barack Obama called for a forceful stand against anti-Semitism in a message marking Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“It is incumbent upon us to make real those timeless words, ‘Never forget. Never again.’ Yet, even as we recognize that mankind is capable of unspeakable acts of evil, we also draw strength from the survivors, the liberators, and the righteous among nations who represented humanity at its best,” Obama said.

“With their example to guide us, together we must firmly and forcefully condemn the anti-Semitism that is still far too common today.

More here:


Anti-Semitism on Campus

Campus, church extremism
Friday 03rd, April 2015

Last week, students at the University of British Columbia rejected a referendum question that would have urged the student society to boycott Israeli businesses and products.

But the news was by no means all good when the results came in last Friday night. In fact, more students voted yes in support of BDS (boycotts, divestment, sanctions) than voted no. The question was defeated effectively on a technicality, with the number of students voting yes failing to reach quorum. Therefore the question failed.

Students were asked: “Do you support your student union (AMS) in boycotting products and divesting from companies that support Israeli war crimes, illegal occupation and the oppression of Palestinians?” The yes side received 3,493 votes, 2,223 students voted no and 435 registered their abstentions. To pass, the vote required 4,130 yeses, representing eight percent of eligible students.

In this, too, there is good news and bad news. The low turnout indicates that students at the university have better things on their mind than the conflict between Israel and its neighbors. It has become increasingly clear in recent years that the anti-Israel movement on college campuses in North America is comparatively small. Yet the damage this narrow group of extremists can do to the comfort and security of Jewish and Zionist students – and to the broader objective of an inclusive, welcoming environment – has been serious and detrimental.

More here:

Campus, church extremism

Know the truth about the next anti-Israel propaganda conference

Friends of Sabeel conferences continue to take place several times annually in major North American cities, where calls for BDS are sounded, and where “overcoming Christian Zionism in a quest for Justice” in “seeking the peace of Jerusalem” is a major theme. These calumnies and misrepresentations of Israel have nothing to do with peace and even less to do with justice. They are even more unacceptable coming from church groups or a man of the cloth.

Source: Christian Icons of Propaganda – Sabeel and Desmond Tutu
by Christine Williams
March 29, 2015 at 5:00 am

Please read the above article if you wish to learn more about the next Friends of Sabeel conference. 
Facing the New Jerusalem: 
Face-to-Face with Christian Zionism and with Palestinian Christians 
is scheduled for this spring (April 23 – 25, 2015
) in Vancouver, B.C. (Canada).

For more information on this event, see:

Canadian Friends of Sabeel or Enemies of Israel? (UPDATED)

New Date for Sabeel Conference Next Spring


BDS Supporters of hate and anti-Semitism
Endorsements from Colleagues at American Institutions:

Telling the Truth About BDS

Obama Plots Revenge Against Israel

“…we’re on the precipice I think of real danger here. These next two years, there are no impediments, there’s nothing stopping him. This stuff is really, really scary. This is the stuff that Saturday Night Live skits are made of, except this is as real as anything. We have the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, the president of the United States, actually now planning on going to the United Nations to undermine our ally, Israel, in favor of our enemy, Iran, and I would dare say our other enemies, Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Obama Plots Revenge Against Israel
March 19, 2015


Obama Addresses His People — in Iran!
March 20, 2015

World Vision leader’s anti-Israel comments

Markell calls out World Vision leader for anti-Israel comments

The head of a messianic Jewish ministry is calling a liberal theological leader to task for his anti-Israel comments.

“For over 60 years,” said Steve Haas, vice president of World Vision U.S., “many Evangelicals have clung to a very narrow theological narrative that weds Christian theology with a political ideology known as Zionism.”

Lausanne Global Analysis recently published excerpts of a chapel speech delivered by Haas at a New England seminary last year.

Haas compared so-called “Christian Zionists” to Spanish inquisitors, Crusaders, supporters of apartheid South Africa, and other historical atrocities.

“He says Israel is apartheid on steroids,” comments Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries. “

More here:



A Response to World Vision’s attack on Christian Zionism
Feb. 15, 2015


Israel: More Friends Than Foes

Israel: More Friends Than Foes [Excerpts]

Headlines tell the frightening stories of the genocidal slaughter of believers abroad. Israel, too, is under attack— literally and figuratively. Part of this battle involves evangelicals turning away from Israel to support the creation of a Palestinian state.

This anti-Israel campaign repudiates biblical doctrine, endorses Arab revisionist propaganda and claims Israel is illegally occupying Arab land and imposing apartheid-like conditions on the Palestinians. Furthermore, Millennials are being recruited to fashion a pro-Palestinian evangelical opinion regarding the Israeli-Arab peace process.

While social media highlight this movement, they do not change the fact that the argument that evangelicals are deserting Israel is flawed.

Devotees of “Christ at the Checkpoint,” a group of evangelicals dedicated to reclaiming the “prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel,” are clearly pro-Palestinian. They embrace Replacement Theology, the belief that God is finished with Israel as a nation and has installed the church as the true “Israel of God.” This position negates God’s promises, etched in Scripture, of (1) Israel’s future restoration; (2) a Messianic Kingdom on Earth; and (3) glory for Jacob and his posterity, including full land rights to the inheritance in the Middle East. Undoubtedly, the Jewish return to Israel is theologically unsettling to Replacement practitioners. And gentlemanly disagreement has turned into a united front among Replacement adherents to discredit the opposition. This spring’s reconciliation between Hamas leaders in Gaza and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is a terrorist union based on absurdity. Purportedly, the agreement includes working toward a two-state solution that recognizes Israel’s existence.

Yet, Hamas has fired thousands of missiles into Jewish towns in an attempt to kill as many Israeli men, women and children as possible. Hamas’s very charter enshrines its commitment to eradicate Israel. Additionally, Abbas oversees an unremitting incitement campaign against Israel, praising suicide attackers who have drenched Israeli streets with innocent blood.

Professing believers in Christ who align themselves with anti-Semites defame Bible-believing Christians and demonize Israelis. . .

More here:


At Berkeley, Israel is worse than IS

At Berkeley, Israel is worse than IS
Video experiment shows students unmoved by jihadist flag, while Israeli flag draws angry charges of genocide and child murder

The question of whether Israel is worse than the Islamic State terror group has mostly been settled in the Jewish state’s favor, outside of certain Middle Eastern capitals at least, but on one American college campus it’s apparently not so clear.

A video posted online this week shows filmmaker Ari Horowitz waving an Islamic State flag and an Israel flag on the campus of the University of California Berkeley to test which garners the more public condemnation.

Dismally, campus-goers were outraged to see the blue and white, while the brutal IS terror group got nary a shout.

More here:




Fear in Jerusalem

But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. Isaiah 8:13

Fear of terrorists pervades mood in Jerusalem
Following terror attack at synagogue, residents and visitors in the capital are increasingly vigilant, uncertain.

As a group of young Jewish men danced and sang Am Yisrael Chai while hoisting Israeli flags in downtown Jerusalem’s Zion Square Wednesday afternoon, several nearby residents and visitors to the capital expressed pronounced fear and uncertainly following the Har Nof massacre a day earlier.

Ofer, an Israeli in his 30s who asked that his last name not be published, said he is unable to walk the streets without a foreboding sense of dread.

“I’m not feeling good about yesterday because when I walk outside I now look in every direction – in front, behind, to my sides,” he said.

“I feel fear. I think [the violence] will stop at some point, but it’s very difficult to stop. And even if it does, it will start again.”

More here:

The Islamization of Jerusalem

The Islamization of Jerusalem is an international cause. It does not just come out of Gaza City or even Ramallah. Nor Doha or Istanbul. The politicians and diplomats of every major country demand the Islamization of Jerusalem. When they talk about a Palestinian State with its capital in Jerusalem what they are really demanding is the restoration of the Muslim ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem in 1948.

-Daniel Greenfield, The Islamization of Jerusalem

Anti-Israel Pathology

More typical anti-Israel media bias . . .

Jerusalem Terror Attack: Headline Fails

On Wednesday evening, a Palestinian deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people disembarking Jerusalem’s Light Rail, killing a three-month old baby and injuring several more, in what was clearly a terror attack.

Initial reports produced some jarring headline fails. Take the Associated Press’s first headline, which has caused widespread outrage. . .

Read here:


Stephen Sizer and Friends Are No Friends of Israel

Has Stephen Sizer gone too far?


Sizer Claims Christian Zionists the Same as ISIS and Al Qeada
October 13

Rev Stephen Sizer, notorious anti-Zionist, appears yet again on Iranian propaganda channel Press TV, denting his academic credibility even further, as he claimed his fellow Christians who support Israel – Christian Zionists, are really no different from ISIS or Al Qaeda (3:38)! However Christian Zionists, even in their “extreme form”, (which is defined as supporting building homes for the wrong people (Jews) in the wrong place), are not chopping off people’s heads, slaughtering people who hold the wrong theology or practice, nor selling non-Muslim girls in to sex slavery. When Christianity was involved in its own Jihad during the Crusades, it was not Christian Zionists who took up arms, rather those who believed God had cast off the Jews and taken their land from them who went to war, urged on by clergymen like Sizer!

More here:



Sizer in Iran to Talk Christian Jihad Against Israel
October 2

Stephen Sizer

Crusading Anti-Zionist vicar Stephen Sizer is in Iran once again, this time to “expose” the Zionist lobby in England at an anti-Israel conference in Tehran. Presumably RPP will feature in his presentation to all those peace-loving anti-Zionist moderates gathered in Iran, as we made his official Zionist Lobby listing here.

Sizer is also quite happy to implicate his fellow Christians who support Israel, to the gathered hordes of Israel haters by shaping them all into one, easy to stereotype, big Zionist Lobby. Sizer doesn’t even think the Jews were the Chosen People! One can only imagine what wonders of nuance and moderation Sizer will display with is talk titled “Christian Jihad vs. Christian Zionism”? or his part in the discussion group pejoratively titled “Christian Responsibility against Systemic Iniquity”

. . . So not only is Sizer a patsy for the Iranian regime’s propaganda channel Press TV, he will also travel to their propaganda conference in Iran. Sizer is used to sharing conference podiums with extreme anti-Semites whilst claiming he is not. . .

More here:


Stephen Sizer


Stephen Sizer has been very busy spreading his message since 2004, when Paul Wilkinson, after attending the Sabeel conference at its beginning, saw him here:

“…the Lord prompted me so clearly to go out to Israel for the very first time and witness this movement called Sabeel, and see all these evangelical leaders assembling in Jerusalem, basically, to condemn Israel, to condemn the United States for supporting Israel, and to condemn all Christians for supporting Israel based on a literal interpretation of the Word of God, and that’s where I met men like Stephen Sizer, Gary Burge, Donald Wagner—leading evangelicals within the Anglican and Presbyterian churches who, as I mentioned in a previous program, lined up with Yasser Arafat and gave him their support and their endorsement, and that shows you the power of this movement I’ve termed, “Christian Palestinianism,” that Yasser Arafat would want to meet with this group involved with the Sabeel conference.”

Source: Paul Wilkinson, T. A. McMahon & Paul Wilkinson (Part 4) https://www.thebereancall.org/content/t-mcmahon-paul-wilkinson-part-4

In 2010, Stephen Sizer was prominently featured in the anti-Israel film “With God on Our Side.”[1] Besides Sizer, the cast of this movie also included Ron Dart and Gary Burge.

Next week Gary Burge and Ron Dart, Sizer’s associates and partners in his anti-Israel campaign, will be speaking at a mini conference[2] in Canada.

Next spring, Gary Burge and another associate of Sizer’s, Donald Wagner, will be speaking at the upcoming Friends of Sabeel Conference[3] in Canada.

Pro-Israel Canadians who are very proud of their Prime Minister’s staunch support of Israel can either hang their heads in shame that such conferences could take place on Canadian soil, or they can plan to attend and support Israel.


[1] See: Turning Churches Against Israel @ http://www.frontpagemag.com
Also see: 2010 Film “With God on Our Side” – Championed by Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren & Steve Haas (World Vision) – Has Changed the Minds of Evangelicals
By Jan Markell of 
Olive Tree Ministries
[2] https://olivepress.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/anti-zionist-lectures-in-canada/



Church of England Vicar Denies Backing “Anti-Semitic Hate-fest” in Iran

More on the upcoming Friends of Sabeel anti-Zionist mini conference . . .

For all those who have expressed a serious interest in attending next week’s anti-Zionist lectures by Gary Burge and Ron Dart, Olive Press is posting the following research helps:

To get an idea of Ron Dart’s view on Christian Zionism, watch a discussion between Prof. Ron Dart of UFV and Vladika Lazar about the phenomenon of Christian Zionism in Canada, here:

To understand the views of Dr. Gary Burge of Wheaton College as he shares about “Theology of the Land in the New Testament” at Christ at the Checkpoint 2012, watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRlgxfqB8wI

Also in regards to Gary Burge’s beliefs regarding Israel, the following is an excerpt from an article written by pro-Zionist warrior Jim Fletcher this August, during the height of the Gaza conflict. Please read the entire article if you plan to attend the mini conference next week.

Israel’s battle of the Burge
AUGUST 29, 2014 by Jim Fletcher

At a time when jihadists are not only slaughtering innocents, but also advancing their media war by using religious dupes in America to advance their political goals, it is distressing — catastrophic, really — to see Israel’s old enemies in the American church continue to blame the victim

Gary Burge, a professor of theology at Wheaton College, the storied evangelical institution in Chicago (and home of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism), has penned another polemic that distorts the situation in Gaza.

Curiously, Palestinian apologists like Burge accept the label “evangelical” when in fact their ideologies align far more with mainline, liberal/leftist denominations. Others who fall into this camp are Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren, and Bill and Lynne Hybels. In fact, I believe they accept the evangelical label in order to dupe real evangelicals.
In an August 26 piece for The World Post (“A Partnership of the Huffington Post and Berggruen Institute on Governance”), Burge once again castigates Israel. An important initial reaction to note when reading “Gaza: Some Secrets Few Will Say Aloud” is that Burge never tells his readers that Gazans elected Hamas. An avalanche of such inconvenient facts is meaningless to a propaganda hack like Burge, whose animus for Jews and for Israel is now legendary.

(In a bizarre introduction to his post, Burge described sitting in a Phoenix airport and overhearing men advocate bombing Gaza “back to the stone age.” Burge then decided to move a few seats over because: “Besides. This was Arizona and I was in ‘conceal-carry’ central.” Did he really think he might be shot? This little aside allows Burge to caricature conservatives as wild-eyed loose cannons, literally.)

Much of what follows in his post is garden-variety Israel-bashing, as Burge begins by alleging that Israel, during the War of Independence, forced 750,000 Arabs from their homes. Comically, he cites Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe as authorities on this subject. No mention of the Jews forced from Arab countries in the same period, either.
He then gets into the numbers game regarding casualties since Operation Protective Edge began, telegraphing his lack of empathy over Jewish deaths: “And on the Israeli side: 67 (mostly) soldiers have died.”

Burge ends that section of his post with this:

“The bottom line: Israel has been actively bombing Gaza for a long time.”

Does Burge know this is factually not true? Would it matter if he did?


*Please read the rest of this article here:


Once again, these have been posted here for research purposes. Olive Press does not share the views of Burge or Dart on Israel or Christian Zionism.

For those who can’t find the details for their upcoming lectures next week, as well as the Friends of Sabeel anti-Zionist conference next spring, see previous post, or click here:

Anti-Zionist Lectures in Canada

UPDATE: Read about this event HERE.



Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement by JIM FLETCHER

Palestinian Propagandists Infiltrate the Church
by Jim Fletcher February 3, 2015


By Ben Shapiro

On Wednesday, on the first anniversary of President Barack Obama’s speech to the United Nations in which he called for ouster of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, Obama attempted to rally support for his airstrikes against Assad’s terrorist opposition. Taking on issues ranging from Iran to Russia, from Ukraine to Syria, from global warming to Ebola, Obama pledged to utilize American might in service to the United Nations, speaking grandly of the beauty and power of the world’s least effective and most morally bankrupt international institution. . .

More here:

United States Attack in Syria Parallels Israel’s in Gaza

United States Attack in Syria Parallels Israel’s in Gaza
by Alan Dershowitz

The air attack by American and Arab forces against ISIS and other terrorist targets parallels Israel’s air attacks against Hamas terrorist targets in Gaza. According to retired General Wesley Clark, the United States air attacks are designed to degrade and destroy the infrastructure of the terrorist groups, including the electric grid, the sources of their finance and other mixed military-civilian targets.

When Israel attacked Hamas military targets, including some that had mixed uses, it was condemned by the same Arab nations that participated in the joint United States-Arab attack in Syria. The difference of course is that the threat posed by ISIS is not nearly as imminent as the threats posed by Hamas. This is certainly true in relation to the United States and may also be true in relation to its Arab partners.

Among the most hypocritical nations participating in the US attack is, of course, Qatar, which not only condemned Israel for defending its civilians against Hamas rockets and tunnels, but actually funded the Hamas attacks and provided asylum for the Hamas terrorist leaders who ordered them. Hypocrisy is nothing new when it comes to the double standard applied by the international community against Israel. The United States and its Arab partners have the right to take preemptive action against terrorist groups without fear of UN condemnation, a Goldstone report, or threats to bring its leaders before the International Criminal Court. Yet everything Israel does, regardless of how careful it is to minimize civilian casualties, becomes the basis for international condemnation. . .

More here:

United States Attack in Syria Parallels Israel’s in Gaza

Brigette Gabriel on Global Anti-Semitism

A brave speech was delivered by the very heroic Brigitte Gabriel at the United Nations on September 8, 2014 during a symposium on Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat To International Peace And Security. Read this speech here:

Tolerating Hate Is Not an Option

Watch here:



They say anti-Semitism is a lot like alcoholism. Every recovering alcoholic knows their disease has no cure—that the seeds for its active return are always there, just below the surface of normalcy, requiring a constant lifelong vigilance to prevent. So, too, with anti-Semitism, sometimes called the world’s oldest hatred. No matter how long it may appear dormant, it never goes away. It is always there.

Just as a successful virus must mutate to survive changing immune systems, so too must anti-Semitism mutate to survive changing times. Today’s most virulent strain of anti-Semitism is that which focuses not on Jews as individuals but on the Jews as a nation. Today’s anti-Semitism doesn’t use language or race or religion to slander Jews; instead, it uses the language of human rights to delegitimize and discredit the state of the Jews.

Israel is the only country on earth actively targeted for annihilation—and not just by a few. . .

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Canada’s PM to be Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for His Support of Israel

Canada’s PM to be Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for His Support of Israel
By Ahuva Balofsky

B’nai Brith of Canada announced Friday it intends to nominate Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for a Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of his staunch and unwavering support of Israel.
“With recent developments across the globe posing new and difficult challenges, only one leader, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has maintained the moral clarity needed to face them, says B’nai Brith Canada,” reads the press release.
B’nai Brith CEO Frank Dimant said, “Moral clarity has been lost across much of the world, with terror, hatred and antisemitism filling the void. Throughout, there has been one leader which has demonstrated international leadership and a clear understanding of the differences between those who would seek to do evil, and their victims. More than any other individual, he has consistently spoken out with resolve regarding the safety of people under threat — such as opposing Russian aggression and annexation of Ukrainian territory — and has worked to ensure that other world leaders truly understand the threat of Islamic terrorism facing us today.”

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/21100/canadas-pm-nominated-nobel-peace-prize-support-israel/

An insider’s tell-all on the media war against Israel

Barbara Kay: An insider’s tell-all on the media war against Israel

In the historical scheme of things, Israel’s summer war with Gaza was small potatoes. But western media, largely critical of Israel, made a banquet of it. And in the familiar way of most western media, the main course was well-roasted Israel.
Anti-Zionists tend to dismiss such charges as conspiracy theories, pointing to the few pro-Zionist or even-handed publications they insist dominate the debate (such as the National Post). But now comes a credible media insider with evidence that isn’t so easily rebutted. Matti Friedman, a journalist and author, worked as a reporter and editor in the Jerusalem bureau of Associated Press (AP) between 2006-11. His August 26 article in Tabletmag.com, “An insider’s guide to the most important story on earth,” explains how and why so many media covering the Middle East are essentially telling their audiences that Jews are the “worst people on earth.”

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Time Magazine Accuses Israel of Stealing Palestinian Organs


UPDATE: Within hours of Honest Reporting’s publication of this article, Time Magazine removed the allegation that Israeli soldiers had stolen Palestinian organs from their video. Further coverage atTimes of Israel.


Time Magazine Accuses IDF of Stealing Palestinian Organs

Time Magazine should be ashamed for giving new life to a horrendous blood libel accusing the IDF of stealing Palestinian organs.

In the middle of a video about the Israeli military, we are told that the “IDF is not without controversy.”

Their example?

….in 2009 a Swedish report came out exposing some Israeli troops of selling organs of Palestinians who died in their custody.
(Around the 1:15 mark of the video.)

The reference is to a completely made up tabloid style article in an obscure Swedish paper, that even the author admitted was not based on any evidence. . .

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Canada: Ontario University Students Join Boycott Against Israel

Canada: Ontario University Students Join Boycott Against Israel

The Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students unanimously passes a motion to boycott Israel.

The Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students, representing more than 300,000 university students in the province, has unanimously passed a motion to boycott Israel, The Canadian Press reported on Thursday.

Executive member Anna Goldfinch said the motion to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (or BDS) Movement received no opposition at its annual general meeting last weekend.

According to The Canadian Press, Goldfinch said that the resolution – put forward by student union of the Ryerson University in Toronto – “endorses a number of solidarity tactics that have been called for by Palestinian civil society.”

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We Will Not Be Silent!

March draws over 4,000
Rain does not deter Toronto Jewish community from rally protesting upswing of global anti-Semitism

TORONTO — Despite gloomy, overcast skies that eventually turned into a downpour, more than 4,000 Jewish Torontonians, and a healthy contingent of Christians and other non-Jews, were lead by Holocaust survivors in a march up the city’s largely Jewish Bathurst street on Wednesday. The August 20 event was launched in the face of a global resurgence of anti-Semitism cloaked in the guise of anti-Zionism, say organizers.

The protest, called “We Will Not Be Silent!,” was a community march against anti-Semitism and the demonization of the Jewish State and organized by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, its advocacy arm, the Centre for Jewish and Israel Affairs (CIJA), and a coalition of community organizations. . .

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